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Shoup sits behind his desk and looks at me. Then Rafe.
,,When I told you yesterday to come by at the precinct, I didn't mean like this." he says. I look down at my hand cuffed hands.
,,What were you thinking?" he asks.
,,You wasn't." he answers the question by himself.
,,I know there is bad blood between you two, but I need to know what exactly happened and if you want to press charges." he looks at Rafe by the end of the sentence.
,,I don't." Rafe says which suprises us.
,,I get why she thought it was me or my dad. but it wasn't us. Dad wouldn't risk Sarah getting hurt, she was supposed to have shift yesterday. However, we know who did it." Rafe continues. I look up at him.
,,What? Who did it?" I ask him.
,,Luke. He called my dad yesterday to tell him he took his family from him and he's gonna do the same. Also he was talking about that the Carrera's had it coming for helping Hannah and he also said something about you, Kie. I don't really know. Dad told me this, this morning. I was suprised to hear that." he says.
,,Luke's a dead man." I comment.
,,You will stay the hell away from him and let us handle it. I see he has a motive but we don't have any proof." Shoup takes the word again.
,,Yet." he gives me a look.
,,We need to go through the tapes and see if he was at the Wreck yesterday. If he was, that would be a proof we could arrest him for and get a warrent to go through his house to see if there's a proof he made the bomb." he explains.
,,I'm going to need the tapes first." he reminds me. I nod.
,,It's at my house in dad's computer. I can bring them." I say.
,,No you can't. You are under arrest. I stop by at your house to see if I catch your brother there to tell him what happened and take the tapes." he stands up and waves at some officers outside. They come in and take us into cell. They uncuff us and we sit down on the bench.
,,You feel better?" Rafe asks.
,,For punching the hell from me." he adds and slightly smiles like this is all fun to him.
,,You had it coming anyway." I say and look away.

Kyle/Mike J.

I come home around 2 o'clock. I stop by at the hospital to see if there's an update on my dad. There wasn't. I also had to sign some paperwork for my mum.

I unbuckle Mik from her car seat and all three of us head inside. I noticed Hannah's car and the Pogues's van in front of the house so I am not suprised to see them inside.
,,Hey." I say and all of them turn.
,,This is my wife Riley and my daughter Mikeyla." I introduce them.
,,Where's Mia?" Mik asks and looks around.
,,That's a good question." I look at them.
,,She's not here. We don't know where she went and she doesn't pick up the phone." Caleb answers. I raise my eyebrows at him.
,,Mia?" Sarah asks confused.
,,Funny story. When they were little, dad wanted her to be named Mia so both of their names would started with M, but gradma and gradpa had other plants. Dad called her Mia anyway so she started to call him Kyle so both their names would start with K. When I was born, dad and mum decided to grand dad's wish so my name had to start with M. And I picked up after dad and call Kie, Mia too, so all of our names would start with M. However, she still calls dad Kyle and she calls me Kylie." Mik explain happily. We told her gradma died yesterday and gradma is in coma but she's 3 and I don't really think she knows what that meant yet.
,,Make sense." Sarah smiles at her.
,,Mal is in the living room." Hannah says and Mik is gone in second.

I open my mouth to ask more about my missing sister, when the door rings. I turn around and open them. It's sheriff Shoup.
,,Oh, glad to run into you, Mike." he says and goes in.
,,You here for the tapes?" I ask him.
,,That. And you need to go with me back to precient to bail your sister out. She was arrested." he shakes his head.
,,What!?" all of them asks at the same time.
,,What did she do?" I ask calmly. At least she's alive.
,,She went to kill Rafe, I guess." he shrugs.
,,Kill? With what?" I still thought it was exaggeeration.
,,With your dad's gun." he answers.
,,You joking, right? She wouldn't do that." I shake my head.
,,You sure? I have the gun in my desk and both of them in my cell." Shoup explains. I almost run into dad's office to check his safe, but the gun is indeed gone. I come back to the kitchen.
,,Alright. Is he okey? Did she shot him?" I ask him.
,,Yes, no. They got into fight, but he stopped her, but the gun went off into the air and someone called the police. Rafe won't press charges so she's free to go when you pay the bail." Shoup explains.
,,Good." I nod.
,,However, when we talked. We might now get a lead on someone who might have actually done it." he says and I raise my eyebrows.
,,We still need a proof and I can't say more untill it's still an open case." he adds. I nod.
,,Just little question. Sarah, did you were suppose to have a shift yesterday?" he asks her.
,,Ehm," she start to think about it.
,,Yeah, but Anna made some changes 2 days ago." Sarah looks up at him.
,,Okey. Just had to verify." Shoup nods.

I give him the footage on a flash disk and go with him to the precinct to bail Kie out. When she steps outside, I immediatelly hug her.
,,What were you thinking? Taking the gun!" I take a step back to look at her.
,,Promise me you stay away from the investigation and let the police handle it. Shoup said they have a suspect." I look into her eyes and say this with serious look.
,,I know. I know who are they looking into." she looks away.
,,You do? Shoup wouldn't tell us." I say confused.
,,I was in the office when Rafe told him who he thinks it was because the person called Ward afterwards saying shits about why he did it." she explains.
,,Who's us anyway?" she asks before I can ask about the person.
,,Rick, Hannah, their kids, the Pogues, my family." I answer her first.
,,Now, who is the suspect?" I ask.
,,Can't tell. Promised Shoup before he let me go." she shakes her head and I nod. I don't like it that I don't know but I get it. I hug her again before we head home. She had her own car which the police brought here from the place she got arrested, so we drive our own cars back.

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