Body Positivity

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Hi hi! Reply to this if you want to leave any requests and I'll be sure to take them into consideration 💕

UPDATE! Writing this a while after I started. If you scroll down a bit, there will be a request page :)) if you want to request or leave ideas, feel free to do so there

Angst chapter + light swearing
TW: Body dysmorphia, intrusive thoughts, referenced ED

Tsukasa POV

I stare into the long mirror in my bathroom and can barely recognize myself. I have been noticing that my body has been more fatty recently, and it makes me look horrible. There's no way Rui will want to see me if I look like this. I'll just quickly put on a hoodie so he won't have to see my body. Rui is on his way, and I don't want to embarrass myself by looking like a wreck.

I walk out of the bathroom and put on a thick hoodie, and change into some long shorts. I raised a hand to my cheek and pulled. It's stretchy and fat. I hate it. A sudden knock on my door made me get over myself, and I walked over to the door to see who it was. Opening the door, I saw my sister, Saki, with a rather happy looking Rui next to her.

Saki was the first to talk, "You haven't been out of your room like all day! I'm glad you still made plans with friends."

"Thanks for bringing him here, Saki! I've just been really busy today." I lie to her. I haven't been busy at all, but instead the opposite of it.

"Okay, I'm gonna go out with my girlfriends which leaves you two alone with each other," she smirked, "have fun!"

"Oh? I wonder what implications that might carry." Rui giggled as Saki walked away down the stairs.

"What- h-hey! Don't encourage her! Anyways, hurry up and come in. We don't have long until my parents get back from work." I dragged him into my room by his hand sat him down on my bed. "I have some ideas for shows, and also just some fun dates that we can go on!"

"Dates? Like-"

"What? Yeah. Dates for us to go on with Emu and Nene, obviously."

"Ah, yeah, obviously.." Rui scratched the back of his head nervously and glanced around the room.

Did I say something wrong? Oh.. Did he think that I meant just the two of us on a date? This is gonna be really awkward now. I'm so stupid!

The tension was really high, I knew I messed up. "Hey, there's this really nice café near school, and I'd like to go with you sometime." That definitely caught his attention.

"Do you really mean it? I'd love to go with you soon." He nodded and blushed.

I felt my face heat up a bit. Rui's smile always made me so happy. When he smiles genuinely, not like the cat one he gives everyday. He also looks adorable when he's flustered and excited. God, I'm so down bad for this man.

"Well then, it's a plan! I'm more than happy to go with you." I grinned and blushed. I can't believe I actually just asked him out on a date! I'm so excited to go.

"Also, Tsukasa, I'm noticing just now that you don't normally dress like this. You usually just wear a t-shirt and-"

"I know!" I yelled at him. I didn't realize that I might have hurt his feelings by the way I yelled at him. "Sorry, that was unnecessary of me, I've just been having problems with my image... you know?"

"Tsukasa.. I'm sorry that I brought it up. I didn't know this. Do you want to talk about it?" He held onto my waist and pulled me into a hug. Crawling over to get on his lap, I hugged him and started to cry. I've never talked to anyone about this, but if I was going to tell anyone, it'd be Rui.

"Y-Yeah, I uh.. it's always been hard for me to open up about my problems, but it feels like every time I look at myself in the mirror, I feel so ugly and ashamed that this is my body. I didn't want you to come over and see me looking... so.. fat. I hate how I look."

I didn't have anything to hold back. I told Rui exactly how I felt because I trusted him. I knew he'd never leave me, and he'd always support me.. right?

"Oh dear.. I understand how you feel. Tsukasa, I can assure you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with your appearance, and it may take a long time to convince yourself that. The way I see it, you're the most beautiful person I know. It's great to take action and do things to better your health, but just know that I, and many other people, will always love you for being you. Don't go to extreme lengths to change your body."

Rui said this as if he was speaking from experience. He knew how I felt and wanted to help.

"Rui," I sniffled "I love you." I gripped tighter onto his back and squeezed into the hug more. He's so warm.. I don't want him to leave. He seemed to stiffen when I said this, but then gradually melted into the touch.

The room seemed to feel so much more comfortable and I loved it. I felt a hand cup my face and bring it back. I was now making eye contact with Rui, and our lips were nearly touching. His hand moved and gently wiped the tears from under my eye. "Rui.." I blushed at the action.

"Shh." I felt so anxious. I didn't know what he'd do next, but I was secretly looking forward to it. "I love you more, Tsukasa." He didn't break eye contact with me. Hot.

"God, Rui, will you just kiss me already? I don't want this cringey bullshit, I want your lips on mine!"

"Fufu, impatient today, are we?" He beamed with a cute laugh. He pulled me closer to him, and at this point it'd be impossible for us to get any closer. Rui connected our lips and we shared a loving kiss. "Hey Tsukasa, seriously if you ever need help, I'll be here for you. Don't put off your problems and don't be scared to talk to me."

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I'd always be grateful for his treatment.

It was now that my parents had barged into my room to announce that they were back.

"We're home, dear!" My mom blurted.

I slowly crawled off of Rui's lap because somehow they didn't notice the position we were in.

"Yes, and we ordered some ginger pork for you!" My father spoke.

As annoyed as I was, my eyes immediately gleamed and I perked up at the thought of ginger pork. "Really? That sounds amazing right now!"

Rui giggled and hugged me. "I suppose I'll be staying over for dinner again."


Wow okay so that's the end of this chapter! I'll try my best to keep up with daily updates, and if not daily then weekly.

The next chapter will be Fluff and I don't plan on there being any triggers

It took me a while to write this in just one day, but I did it.
Thank you so much for reading!

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