Just my Luck...

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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/shinyaemew?t=AqVayM-_HiLSld6ZaFgFiQ&s=09
Homeschooled kasa (He's in his kanade era)
Also! This counts as rui pov. Just accept it.
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

I stretched as I sat up in bed, deciding that today would be a productive day! Wednesdays were always the best.

I was always cursed with bad luck, but I was sure Wednesday's weren't affected by my curse. Just the day prior, I had dropped my phone in a sewage drain and ended up having to buy a new one. A bird flew over me and shat on my head, but that wasn't the first time it's happened, and I was just one cent short of buying a limited Miku figure!

By the time I got back with the missing cent, all of them in stock were gone... and that all happened in just one day. I got lucky yesterday... Usually way worse stuff happens. I sighed, but quickly turned my frown upside down.

Today was my lucky day and I was going to conquer it! I pulled myself out of bed and ran up to my closet, tripping over my own feet, but I didn't fall.

I picked out my casual blue blazer (as always) and my black pants. I picked up my watch from my nightstand and checked the time. 9:22... I'm a bit late to start my day, but that's fine! I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before changing.

I skipped out on breakfast since I didn't want to accidentally start a fire. I glanced around when I stepped outside, breathing in the nice earthy scents. It was bright and sunny, so my confidence was boosted even more!

I decided to walk down to the store since it was nice out, plus, I needed to get some exercise in. As I walked down the streets, I met a peculiar boy. Often I'd walk and see weirdos, but this guy... was a weirdo.

He had abnormal bright purple hair with blue streaks and similarly bright yellow cat eyes, but he had an audience. There was a good sized group of children who seemed to be excited as they sat around him, with some adults looking tired in the back.

It's so early... and doesn't this kid have school? Now that I think about it, he might be older than me! Instead of passing by, I stayed and watched the whole show from afar.

The performance was drawing me in, but I didn't want him to think I was weird. A high-school student watching a show for toddlers? I don't think so.

However, I was more interested in the performers rather than the performance. Sure, the script was nice, a little corny, but it was for kids after all. However, the performers were robots. You see hand puppets all the time, but robots and drones? Never.

The boy looked very intrigued by his own show, but it soon came to an end. The children were grinning and looked so inspired... I could feel my heart begin to melt by the adorable scene.

This guy... He's like me, isn't he? He knows how to put up a mesmerizing show that can make people smile! I felt myself get excited as I stared at him, but that quickly went away.

After he finished getting all of his machinery together, he looked straight at me. "Blondie, are you just gonna stand there and watch?" His tone came off as rather intimidating, but not necessarily mean.

"Eh!? Sorry, I just thought that your show was really good! I've never seen one be executed like that." I slowly came out of hiding and he raised a brow.

"You look a bit too old to be watching these kinds of performances." He chuckled and stepped closer to me.

I blushed, very embarrassed by being called out. "Oh! Well, I just..." It was hard coming up with an excuse.

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