The Flower Crowns We Made

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This chapter is angst without a happy ending. I have no clue why I wrote this considering I can't stand angst, but here it is anyways.
TW: Death


I sat in a hospital room, on the hard plastic chair. As I looked over to my right, I saw Saki and Toya just entering the room. I looked back down at my feet again. It pained me to look up at the bed. Bringing myself to my feet, I pulled the chair forward so I could sit closer to him.

Blinking back tears, I let myself get lost in my mind. Of course, it went back to our last moment with each other.

Epic flash back

I was laying on my back, on a large plain of grass. It was soft and didn't itch my skin. Maybe I just didn't notice the itch because the one I loved most was with me, taking my mind off of the stress. He was laying right beside me, admiring the various flowers, and all of the many colors.

"Rui, don't you think these flowers are very pretty?" Tsukasa plucked a small yellowish flower and handed it over to me. I assumed he picked a small one so that he wouldn't do much harm to the rest of them. I stared at the flower, observing how it folded perfectly and the golden petals lightly flowed along with the breeze.

"Of course! The color yellow really matches your hair." I smiled, sitting up and scooting closer to him. The dirt was soft under my palms, and gave me a sense of familiarity. I raised a hand to grab a lock of his hair, and moved the other to put the flower up to it.

"Oh, yeah, you're right. Look!" Tsukasa bent over and grabbed a flower that represented a viola flower. "This flower is almost your exact hair shade, and the yellow parts are like your eyes!" I loved how cute he was, especially in moments like these.

I nodded and felt the petals of the flower. They felt silky and they were springy. "Tsukasa, may I make a flower crown for you? It's been a while since I last did, and I'm sure it would look great on you." He looked over at me, with pure amazement sparkling in his eyes.

"Yes! That sounds like fun! I'll make one for you, too." With that, we began each making a flower crown of blooms and florets of our choice. As I weaved the stems through each other, it reminded me of how long it has been since I last thoroughly enjoyed and cared about a subject like this. Tsukasa always made activities that I never thought would be fun at all the most entertaining and delightful experiences.

I paid close attention to the stems as they intertwined and tightened around each other, locking each in place as I picked from the blossoms that spread throughout this field. Doing this made me feel so at home and safe, especially with someone who I love. As I worked, I was suddenly interrupted by a sudden weight on my shoulder, accompanied with a surge of warmth.

Looking over at my shoulder, I saw Tsukasa who had moved to rest his head on it while we worked. "Rui, is it okay if I just do this?" He glimpsed up at me for approval to continue in this position.

"By all means, dear. I find this rather comfortable anyways, so I'd prefer this." I answered.

The two of us continued to keep at it. Over the span of a few more minutes, we had both finished up our respective crowns, and showed them to each other. "They look super cool! Rui, I'm never going to get rid of this. It'll always remind me of you." He had a beautiful grin spread across his face, with eyes that seemed to be able to light of any room. He looked so happy, ecstatic, even. I never thought that I'd ever be the one to make him this happen.

Flashback end

I began to shed tears of nothing but sorrow. Looking up at the boy in the hostpial bed, I felt angry. Angry that I wasn't there to prevent him from being hurt. Angry that it was him that this happened to him, and not me. Just recently, Tsukasa was attacked by a group of people, for God knows what.

Tsukasa claimed that he had no relations with those people whatsoever, which made me even more upset. Why would they do this to him? Do they even have hearts? I sighed, letting out a shaky breath. Tsukasa's health was declining at a very fast rate, as the attackers had hit vital organs, which made surgery harder and hope disappear. He had been unconscious for days, and his heart monitor was slowing. Secretly, I prayed that this was an error in the machine, but as much as I wanted to believe this, I knew it wasn't true.

I knew that the one I loved most was so close to dying, and there was nothing that I could do about it. It was far too late. Maybe if I asked him to stay the night at my place that night, or if I asked to stay with him...

I sat and pondered, for a while, until my train of thought was cut off. My heart sank, and I felt as if there were rocks dropped into my stomach. The sudden quietness in the room was disrupted by the ear-splitting beep from his monitor. No! I wanted to scream, cry, do anything. I stared down at the boy who had just took his final breath. His body looked anything but comfortable, and I hated knowing that this cramped, stuffy hospital room would be the last place that he would ever see.

I felt rustling next to me, and I glanced to my right, it was Saki and Toya. "No! Tsukasa!" Saki wailed, running over to her brother's now lifeless body. This was when the realization struck me. My boyfriend is actually dead. He's gone and won't ever come back.

A few doctors had rushed into the room, advising us to leave, but Saki had a hard time. As close as I was to Tsukasa, I know she was closer. She must be so heart broken... I wanted to just break down in tears right here, right now, but I couldn't. Not in a place like this. Toya brought Saki out of the room as the doctors called the Tenma household line. Since I wasn't blood related, I was not allowed to stay.

As soon as I got home, I immediately fell to the ground as I felt my mental state crumble. Everything that we built up together was gone, and the only thing left of him I'd have are photos, drawings, and that crown. The flower crown he made that day.


Okay SO. I can't stand angst because it makes me sad, but I got this idea and I just felt like I HAD to write it. Near the end, I got a little bit sloppy, because I was struggling with how to end it. Anyways, I tried.
I stan projecting personal feelings into fanfics 😍

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