That One Dare

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I'm better but I still have hella whiplash ☠️☠️
I want this to be an enemies to lovers school A.U. thingy so there might be a part 2 not sure depends on how long it will turn out
This will be fluff


Becoming the lover of someone you never thought you would is definitely surprising. So, I was confused when the one who "hated" me the most showed up to my house, while it was raining, just to confess to me.

"Rui, I never hated you. I just acted like I did because I didn't know how to cope with these feelings." Is what he had to say after the fact. Tenma Tsukasa, the same boy who swore on his own life that he'd never like me, is the same one who said those words.

"I don't understand. Why are you all of a sudden telling me this? You must be joking, right? Do you actually like me?" I stood at my door, almost asking myself that question.

Do I like Tsukasa?

No, of course not. We've never been like that. Our relationship has never been romantic or anything, so how could I even feel that way about him? My hand clenched onto the door a little bit harder as I stared him in the eyes.

If that was so, how could I explain the butterflies fluttering in my stomach? The sensational yearning of having him near? The small light of desire and hope that wants him to say that he's not joking?

"I don't know why I kept it from you this long, Rui," He looked at the ground nervously, "It's fine if you don't feel the same way, you know what? I'll just go now so.. uh.."

"There's no point in walking back home now, is there? At least stay here for the night while I think about my answer." I offered. The bitter cold of the rain hitting the roof and the chilly air touching my skin told me that it definitely wasn't an ideal situation for anyone to walk home.

"Really? Thank you!" At this time, he smiled a genuine smile at me, different from his usual mischievous ones, like when he'd blame a messy classroom on me.

I stepped aside and let him in, and got the both of us settled. Tea is always a nice thing. I'm sure he'll take some. Plus, I bet we're both freezing and I don't really wanna be cold anymore. Luckily it was warm inside with the heater on.

I helped Tsukasa get situated on the couch, just across from the kitchen. Preparing the tea was an odd task, as it was unnecessarily silent in the rooms. The only sound that could be heard was the brewing tea and the tapping of my fingers on the counter.

"So, Tsukasa, if that's really how you feel about me, I'd gladly take on the role of being your significant other." I said it. I just exposed myself by saying that, and I know this is going to backfire hard.

I saw Tsukasa perk up from the corner of my eye. I heard him gulp and speak up, "If that's okay with you, it's okay with me!"

Something seemed off about whatever was happening right now. I'm so glad that mom isn't home... Tsukasa looked relieved, but also worried.

"Is something the matter?" I started slowly walking towards where he sat.

He looked up at me from his seat on the couch. "Honestly, yeah. My parents might not... nevermind, I'll just tell you later." He was definitely bothered by something, but I didn't want to push it.

"That's fine, just don't let it get on your nerves too much." I laughed lightly.

A short hum came from the blond as he reached out his hand to mine. I didn't pull back, and let him grab my hand. Our fingers intertwined, and we both moved closer to each other. I felt my heartbeat almost speed up. So I could ignore this feeling, I decided to tease him a little. "Aww, is Tsukasa getting confident now?"

I brought my free hand up to his cheek and moved his face so he would be looking at me. "Wha!? Rui-"

This moment would have been a lot cuter if the tea maker didn't beep and absolutely ruin it.

"Oh. That's the tea, I'll be back with it." I quickly paced into the kitchen to get the tea.

When I got there, I poured each of us a cup. "Do you want any sugar? If so, how much?" I asked.

"Yes, please. Just half of one of those small packets, you know?"

"Alright, one moment." This is confusing to me. Just yesterday we were arguing in class earning us each a detention, and now we're being, what, romantic? Friendly? I honestly have no idea, though.

I carefully made my way back to the couch and set our drinks down on the coffee table.

"Tsukasa." I turned to look at him. "Be for real with me, okay? Do you actually have feelings for me?" I made sure that our eye contact didn't waver.

"Yeah, I am sure! I wouldn't just show up at your house at this time just to lie about this? Rui, I really do like you!" He stared right back, looking determined as if to prove that his point is correct.

He went down to take another sip from his cup and moved in closer to me. Our sides were touching, and I felt my arm and thigh rubbing against his own. Maybe he's actually not joking and we're really dating now. I let myself melt into the touches as we sat in comfortable silence.

The warmth of him next to me and the hot tea combined made me want to die and stay here in this moment forever both at the same time.

I hate being this close to Tsukasa. This feels so unnatural but so good at the same time. I can't figure out whether I want more of this and to pursue a relationship with him, or if I should just tell him that we shouldn't do this.

The only thing that makes me not want to date him is our history, not that I don't want to be with him. It's all so confusing.

I yawned and set down my drink. He had such soft hair, it was like a pillow. My head was leaned down, resting on his and I began to doze off.


Yes I will be making a part two to this. There is so much plot that I want to add from Tsukasa's POV, so that'll be next

My stupid whiplash has gotten better, my neck is just a little sore but I'm coming down some sort of thing cause my throat is hurting a lot.
Despite this, I promise to keep posting unless it's like deadly or something (which I'm sure it's not)

I've been playing d4dj and have been thoroughly enjoying it, I suggest you try it if you haven't already
Anyways tysm for reading 💖

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