Literary Nonsense

999 8 37

The best ruikasa song (FUCK. LEN. HES A PIEC3 OR SHIT ANR SHOULD DIE)

The stuff surrounded by // are what he's writing in diary

This is pretty much a ripoff of my king smutshot from that book but without the sex

This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

//Performing is probably my favorite thing to do. Whenever I put thought into it, I can't come up with something and think, 'Well, that's better than performing'. Things like that were just so hard to come by!

One thing that comes close is singing. Sure, I perform songs with my friends all of the time, but still, singing on its own is pretty fun. Sometimes on the stage, I get very confused. Of course I memorize my lines without struggles, but there were far too many people for my liking.

That's why acting with Rui is the best! He isn't too enthusiastic like Emu (most of the time), but isn't so hush hush and mean like Nene. Do I like him more than the girls?\\


//I always tell myself not to think like that.\\ They're all my friends! There's no way I can like one more than the others, that'd be unfair.

I raised my hand from my diary and frowned. Why am I always going off track? I let my pen hit the slightly crinkled paper and began to write again.

//Sorry for the tangent. Who am I apologizing to? Anyways, I just finished a song with Rui. 'Literary Nonsense', one of my favorites to do with him. He always sounds so good, which really does give me motivation!\\

I smiled at my page until a felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. Looking up, my stomach erupted with butterflies instantly.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" Rui asked, letting go of me. I wished he didn't let go of me.

I stood up and dropped my diary, stepping forward to greet him. "I'm doing great! You sang really well out there."

"You too, y'know~ I've always enjoyed duets with you." The purple boy giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

The girls were out on the stage and would be for a while, since as a troupe we decided on separate performances. Because of that, I felt a little more confident when it came to doing things with Rui. No Emu to distract us, no Nene to tease us.

Just me and Rui. My heart beat quickly, a large contrast to my appearance. I showed up as collected and excited, not a fucking lovestruck loser.

I let my hands rest on Rui's arms, giving him a sweet gaze for comfort. There was a certain mood in the air, one that was amazing, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. All I knew was that I was happy. Happy with Rui.

"Rui, what are you feeling right now?" I broke the silence with a soft inquiry, moving my head to rest on his chest.

"I-I... I feel like I'm being held by the best person in the world."

I blushed.

"That's really how you feel..?"

"Honestly, yeah. My admiration for you goes so far beyond the silly shows we do." A firm hand touched my back, rubbing it lovingly.

I closed my eyes, holding myself even closer to him than before. No words could come out of my mouth. I was in awe at his boldness, feeling nice and warm against his loving body. To me, if "safe" was a person, it'd be Rui.

How ironic, I began in my head, the man that scares me is who I feel the safest with. I chuckled to myself, gently squeezing his arms.

"Rui, can we go? I mean... we're done with our performance." I looked up at him curiously. "I want to take you to mine."

"Of course. I wouldn't want you to walk there on your own, anyway. I've... really wanted to spend time with you recently."

I lifted my head off of his chest and slowly removed my grip on him. Rui had a smile unlike any smile I'd ever seen from him. My heart thumped excitedly the longer I stared into his hypnotic gaze.

We quickly got ourselves and our things together, not wanting to wait any longer. In my mind, I only began to comprehend that I'd be with him after we had already packed our stuff.

Wait, it's clean there, right..? I really hope Saki isn't there. If it was just me and Rui, then it'd be a lot less stressful. I pressed myself against his side, holding his hand in mine.

It was all incredible. Being able to be so close to someone like him was really an honor. The sun was still high in the sky, shining down on us, but still, its light could never be better than Rui's. Being beside Rui made me feel like there was a real god who looked down on me and gave me angel to be with.

I rested my head on his shoulder. I guess that's what he is, isn't it? Rui is an amazing angel.


I literally can't express how much I hate this. I just uhhh idk I feel like all of my fluffs are boring and the same

We can all forget about this and move on 😭😭 besides that, I don't really have anything planned, just angst and aimless fluff as usual

I'll probably post less smut here cause that'd be hell having to maintain sm smut
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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