Morning Tiredness

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In school I wrote a fanfic for my essay and got full points on it let's gooo
This chapter will have lots of fluff

Tsukasa POV

The alerting beeping from my alarm disrupted my deep sleep. My eyes shot half-way open, with the lingering tiredness feeling nearly overcoming me. My ears were sensitive in the mornings, so I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock.

As I sat up, I noticed that my room looked suspiciously clean, and a delightful smell wafted closer to me from the kitchen. Rui must be up early. Or, maybe he just didn't get any sleep.

I got ready and stumbled into the kitchen, still feeling loopy from waking up just about an hour ago. As I expected, Rui was standing right in front of the stove, scrambling eggs.

"Good morning, it's a bit late for you to be getting up, no?" He lowered the heat of the stove and walked over to me.

"Mmph." I grumbled and wrapped my arms around him weakly.

"There are some pancakes waiting to be eaten~" He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "I'll meet you at the table when I'm done with these."

I nodded and made my way to the table, very excited to have breakfast, even if I wasn't showing it visibly. I pushed back the plate, waiting for Rui to finish. I thought that it might be rude if I began eating without him, so I didn't.

Closing my heavy eyelids was always a relief, and as everything went dark, I slowly drifted off back into a deep sleep once again.


"Tsukasa, I've finished with these." My voiced trailed off when I turned around to join the blond at the table. He was already asleep again. Perhaps waiting for me was just very tiring.

I sighed as I set down the plate on the table. After doing so, I tapped him gently on the shoulder to wake him up. His hand raised just a little bit, then he proceeded to sit up fully in his chair. "You're done?" Tsukasa questioned, rubbing his eyes and stretching his limbs out.

"I am. Dear, you don't have to wait for me to eat, you know. I won't take any offense if you do." I sat next to him and pulled my own plate closer to me and picked up my utensils.

Over time, I noticed my weird habit of watching people eat. When I did this, Tsukasa's eyes lit up just after he took his first bite.

"Mm! You're always so good at cooking breakfast.." Mid sentence, Tsukasa started to drift off into space again. He dropped his utensils and, fell asleep?

His eyes stayed slightly open, but his breathing deepened as if he was sleeping.

Wow, Tsukasa is always really tired in the mornings, but never this tired. Maybe I should let him get more sleep before we eat. Unsure of his state, I wrapped my arms under his legs and back, holding him bridal style. Figuring that taking him all the way back to our room would be too much, I set Tsukasa down on the couch that was only a few feet from where I stood.

I sat down on the couch and pulled him closer to me and on my lap. Much heat radiated from him and warmed me up, enveloping me in the moment. Cuddling with Tsukasa wasn't something I got to do very often besides when we slept, so this was an honor for me to hold.

His breath seeped down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I wish we could do this all the time..

I felt a grip on my shoulders, suggesting that he probably was waking up. "Sorry, Rui." He whispered into my ear. "Yesterday's routine really drained me of all my energy."

"No worries, really. I want you to get an ample amount of sleep. Please rest as long as you need until you're ready." I replied, snuggling my face into the crook of his neck.

Oh my, I'm gonna be the one falling asleep now, any moment now. I humored to myself. I closed my eyes and hugged Tsukasa strongly.

"Let's just stay like this. It's really nice." He murmured and scooted in more.

Instead of speaking, I gave a low hum in agreement. I kissed the tender skin of his neck and worked on one area, then moved to the next. Goosebumps were scattered on his skin when I reached his collarbone. The blond locs of hair brushed my face when I moved further in and, "Ooh, your hair smells so nice~ I really love it!" I took a deep breath in.

"What are you doing!? Isn't that a little bit weird..?" He blushed, but didn't push me away.

"I'm just teasing. But your hair does smell nice."

"Hmph, of course it does! It's my hair, after all. If you want, I'll give you a run-down on how I take care of it." He offered. I was quick to accept that.

"Yes, please do. I'd love to learn more about your care routine!" And so I did.


Short chapter, I was gonna write a lot of angst but I just couldn't. Next update will probably be angst instead, not sure though.
Anyways tysm for reading! 💖

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