My Devoted Servant

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Ruler Rui
This episode will be smut
TW/CW: Implied death, dark-ish themes


I watched as my servants disregarded every order I gave them and instead twiddled their thumbs like they didn't know what to do.

The only one I cared about was getting things tidy upstairs, so I did not have him around.

As I went to find myself a drink, one woman spoke up. "Sir, what you're asking of us breaks the law that you set!" Her eyes shone determinedly.

Does this defective woman think that she can defy my orders?

"Whatever I say goes, you understand!? If you'd prefer, we can always send you to the hanging room instead." I sneered at her, absolutely hateful at the challenge.

The nerve of some people... where's Tenma? I could use the support right now.

With that, I made my way up the stairs and through the dark corridors. It was lit with the occasional window or candle, except for the portrait room. Tsukasa would be in there restoring each portrait of the rulers from now to the first.

He was a dedicated and passionate young soul, and I adored him every bit. Often we would leave together just to experience real life.


I heard his voice echo into the hallway. I suppose I was right! He is the fastest worker, after all. Tsukasa was in the portrait room, and I swiftly pushed open the doors.

He was standing before me with a smile.

"I suspect that something must've upset you. What can I do to assist you?" He took my arm and brought me into the room, sitting me down on a sofa.

Of course one of the first things I noticed was that his attire was tight on his chest and legs.

"Could you uh- get me a drink?" I straightened my posture and he nodded.

When he left, my mind was stuck on how attractive he looked in the tight uniform. To occupy myself, I took in my surroundings. Each portrait was perfectly renewed and back on the wall except for one, which was my own.

It looked about halfway replenished, but I only cared about the photo itself. The painter did not capture any emotion and depicted me as some sort of beast with no feelings. I hated it. I hated people treating me as a monster, but I did act like one after all.

Tsukasa came back into the room with a few teacups and small plates.

He set up an area in the room to make the tea since the other necessities were already in the room.

"Please wait a moment. I promise it'll be done soon. While we wait is there anything I can do for you? Otherwise, I will go back to my work."

"Well, don't do that! You need a break. I know how hard you work every day." I stood up from my seat and walked closer to Tsukasa.

"Yes, but... I want to get these portraits done for you. Especially with the other family coming to visit, I want to tidy up." He softly smiled at me.

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