More to You

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I really like transkasa.
This episode will be fluff and angst
TW/CW: Transphobia, vomit, uhh idk lmk if I need to add more

Tsukasa POV

As I walked through the hallways of my school, I felt ashamed. Born a girl, now a man, isn't that just weird? Just a week ago, I had my long hair and my girl uniform, so my peers reactions were scattered.

My long, golden hair had been cut off, and I no longer had to wear the skirt and bow. I hated that stupid skirt, anyways. I almost felt myself cry as I thought about how the guys in my class used to tease me. They knew that I was transgender, but said I was still a girl.

Now, I'm different. I actually kind of feel good about myself! It's really a refresher to know that I'm finally who I want to be. As I entered my classroom for the first time since my transition, I instantly felt judged.

No teacher was inside quite yet, so I knew I'd have to hold on for a few more minutes. As I took my seat near the front, shuffling from behind told me that someone was standing up. After a chain of footprints, a finger tapped my shoulder.

"Hey girlie~ Still trying so hard to prove yourself?" He leaned over and stared at me.

"I-I'm not a girl. Please just let me be..."

The boy grabbed me by my shoulders and yanked me up, holding his arms around me tightly. Just his muscles alone knocked the wind out of me, but I couldn't fight back. He kept me in this position, knowing that I couldn't breathe well.

I tugged at his grip, but each time I did, he'd hold me tighter. "You're weak, y'know. Just like a girl, you've got no strength." He stared at me with ice cold eyes, making me truly terrified. "Just leave already! Nobody wants someone like you here."

He let go of me, then pushed me aggressively onto my desk, nearly causing it to fall onto me. I used this time to regain my breath. Like a freak, I panted on my desk, tears painting my skin.

I just want to give up. I want to go home... No, I just want someone who will actually love me. Slowly, I collected myself and stood up. Giggles from my classmates could be heard, which made me more embarrassed. Nobody here likes me.

My eyes turned to the boy who had hurt me. Fury burned inside of me and I felt myself become hot. I wish I could kill him. I just want to kill them all! Without wasting any more time in the classroom, I sprinted out of it and rushed through the hallways once again.




"Tsukasa! How was your day?" My mother smiled and pulled me in to hug me.

I accepted the hug, giving her a content look of my own. It was as if everything bad that day just didn't happen. The fact that I had been teased and bullied all day didn't matter- what mattered was that I took care of my family.

With my sister being fragile and my mom getting old, it was my job to help them. I'm gonna have to skip rehearsals today. I mean, Rui saw me in such a horrible state today... I don't want him to see me as a weak person. He probably thinks that I look hideous after transitioning.

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