That Girl

816 10 29

Thinking about how good the art for Mr Showtime is (tsukasa is hot)

I apologize in advance for any grammar/spelling errors! I am probably not going to proofread this 😭😭

This episode will be fluff and angst(?)

Tsukasa POV

Nene... I looked at the girl as she chatted with Rui, keeping a smile on her face. Why are you so happy while talking to him?

She giggled and held his hands, gently rubbing them. We're in school, too. She's never done anything like that with me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Who am I kidding? They're like siblings, of course they're gonna be close!

"Hey, Nene!" I waved and ran up to the two of them, grinning excitedly.

The taller boy looked relieved, returning my smile and greeting me. "Good morning, Tsukasa. I'm glad to see you!" He stepped forward and hugged me, and I raised a brow.

"What's got you in such a good mood, hm?" As I asked, I noticed his grip around my waist get more firm and he leaned down.

He giggled, and I awkwardly glanced over to Nene who rolled her eyes. "Am I not allowed to be happy when I see you? After all, who wouldn't be happy to see a star such as yourself~?"

As he said this, I couldn't help but blush. Nobody had ever said something like that since I usually came off as a not admirable person. "Hehe, you've made a valid point, Rui!

He slowly let go of me, and I did notice that he let his hands wander across my body for a moment. Ignoring it, I chuckled and looked over to Nene. As I did so, I suddenly felt my heart flutter. Although it didn't always seem like it, Nene was kind, caring, gentle, and the perfect girl...

As much as I cared for my other friends and my siblings, I found myself slowly falling for this girl, the one with the annoying yet adorable attitude.

Although she was so different from me, I couldn't help but believe that we were similar. So, I prayed that she would feel the same way towards me. "You two are so... Whatever. I'm gonna go now, but we can talk during lunch." She said and turned around, slowly walking away.

She's already leaving? I just got here, though...

"Tsukasa, Nene invited to over to stay at her place tonight before you got here. Um... Do you want to join us?"

"Eh!? She invited you but not me??" I huffed and crossed my arms. "Yeah, that sounds fine."

"You're really the life of every party, so I couldn't help but invite you! It's really nice having you around..." He glanced away from me and I noticed him getting nervous.

He played around with his sleeves and gulped. "Rui, what's the matter!? Did something happen?" I quickly stood in front of him, staring into his eyes worriedly.

"Ah! No, I'm fine, really. Except, when we get there I want to tell you something." He put on a smile and gently pushed me back.

"Of course~! You can tell me anything! After all, I am-"


"Class is starting so early, isn't it..? Oh well, I suppose this is where we'll be parting ways."

"Yeah! See you later, Rui."




For the remainder of the day, I excitedly awaited the night I'd be spending with my friends. However, I was more excited to be with Nene, because I'd finally have the chance to confess to her!

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