Cherished Moments

244 8 8


Umm idk
This episode will be angst and fluff

Third Person POV

"Happy birthday, Rui!" Tsukasa, Emu, and Nene all gave the tall boy a suffocating hug as they wished him a happy birthday.

Rui smiled fondly and wrapped his arms around his friends, feeling a deep warmth in him. He loved having a group of close friends to celebrate with. Each of them all owned their unique perks.

He felt his heart swell in an instant, as he was so happy it was beyond words. "Thank you all, really. You've made this day the best it could be." His soft voice made sure to express his gratitude.

Still, there was something left for them to do.




Tsukasa POV

"So, has your day been good?" I looked up at my partner with a grin.

Rui nodded eagerly and pressed into my shoulder with his, sharing a sweet giggle. "Yeah! Each year we share together is better than the last. I'm so glad to have you and the others."

My stomach tingled as I looked into his eyes. From the moment we made eye contact, my world was Rui and only Rui- he provided me a loving serenity. Just his gaze alone was enough to paralyze me and make my knees shake.

I'm lucky to have him, I reached down to hold his hand. The boy blissfully tightened his fingers around mine, which formed a satisfaction in my heart.

"I have one more thing for you, before we go. Actually, it's a few things."

"Really? I'm excited for that!"

"I'm sure you'll like it," I spoke confidently as I leaned down behind a bench to reach into a bag.

I had gotten his mother to help with making the gifts. In my hands rested a few delicate acrylic glass tablets, each of them showing a different holographic-like image. As I looked down at them, I couldn't help but smile.

One of them was a group picture of myself, Nene, Emu, and Rui. Another was a playful selfie of myself, but would change depending on the angle you saw it from. The last one was a picture of his mother when she was younger, holding his old family dog while a young Rui held a scoff.

The pictures I collected were special, and I wanted Rui to feel the same. I handed him the ones I had and watched as he sat down beside me on the bench and chuckled. He was so gentle with them. The ends of his lips curled up the entire time he admired them.

His wrists moved so perfectly when he rotated the tablets to watch the photos change. As I looked at him, I noticed his eyes begin to water. "Rui..."

He sniffled quietly and blinked his tears back, but the efforts were useless. After a few seconds of his lip quivering, Rui finally cried. His tears sparkled in the hue of the sunset and trickled down onto his hands and the images, falling droplet by droplet.

I stayed silent and wrapped a hand around him, offering him a comfort. He let out a quiet sob into my shoulder, and in response, I pressed a soft kiss to his head. I took the tablets from him and allowed him to get settled in better.

Rui was a very emotional person. He didn't always show it, or not extremely, but it was always there. Being close enough for moments like this was something I would never take for granted.

"Thank you, Tsukasa. I usually don't cry over stuff like this, but... You mean so much to me."

I planted another kiss, this time on his forehead, and let it linger for a minute longer. My right hand raised so I could run my fingers through his silky hair. I could feel him shiver slightly as I held him, but he pressed up closer to me.

"I didn't expect to elicit this kind of reaction, but, I'm thankful to be with you right now. Rui, I'd gift you the sun if it made you this happy!" I insisted.

A passionate laugh stemmed from Rui as he wiped his eyes and cheeks. He took a few deep breaths, steadied himself, then sat up on his own. "You're really incredible, though I don't think I'll need a sun when I have my star right here," His purple hair swayed in the breeze as he turned to face me.

My cheeks heated up and I shook my head. "You could always have both, if you feel like it." I replied jokingly.

"Mhm. I love you."

Without hesitation, I beamed and responded, "I love you! Oh, by the way..." I turned his head carefully so I could examine his face. "You smeared your eyeliner."

Rui gasped and rubbed at his cheek just a little bit. "This is your fault, y'know."

"Haha! Sure. Rui, we should get going, it's getting dark."

The purple boy yawned and nodded, bringing himself to his feet, wobbling slightly. I put the tablets in a cushioned bag and held it up for Rui to take, and he did. After standing up after him, I felt a twinge of sadness in my heart.

I didn't want to leave him. I was having so much fun! My upset face must have caught my lover's eye, since he looked at me with a frown.

"Well, this is goodbye?" I looked up at him with a bittersweet smile.

He sighed. "So that's why you're upset? Tsukasa, we can see each other tomorrow! ...I'll miss you too."

"Yeah. I love you lots!" I kissed his sweet lips devotedly before stepping back to let him leave. "Get home safe."

Rui hummed in agreement and stretched out his arms. "Mhm, I'll be safe. I love you too, Tsukasa. And, again, thank you."

"You're welcome."


UAAUGHH I really enjoyed writing this NGL. This was fr made last minute but I think I ate.

I'm tiering for pandemonium with about 90k crystals wish me luck I'm gonna go insane

1021 words tee hee
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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