B-But Why This!?

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ART CREDS!!: https://x.com/YU_YUHI_?t=SwouwPXU6BAn2gaRZ_8Zuw&s=09

Was gonna do something like this and never did
(Not proofread

It's Imscaredofrui 's fault
This episode will be smut
Ft. Man boobs😻, crossdressing


"Don't worry, Mizuki. I'm sure Tsukasa is going to love it~!"

I stared at the mannequin I made that perfectly replicated Tsukasa's real body. I asked him if I could take his measurements so Mizuki could make an outfit for him, so I didn't lie. It stood right outside my front door, so at first I almost mistook it for the real Tsukasa.

The outfit had a short frilly skirt that had a few layers of white lacing added. The top was a normal, rose pink shirt, except I'd requested it to be a bit smaller than his torso size. That way, It'd be tight on his skin and reveal some of his stomach.

If this is what it looks like on his mannequin... then it must look incredible on Tsukasa himself!

"Thanks, Rui! Although I must add, if he's to move too strenuously in the shirt, it might rip." They responded, running a finger down the fragile top.

"Fufu~ I'll be sure to advise him beforehand..." I imagined how embarrassed the blond would be if it ripped. "Well, I'll be going now. I'll update you on what he thinks about it!"

I stepped forward and gently picked up the mannequin. Mizuki waved and left after a goodbye.

The mannequin wasn't very heavy, since it didn't have anything inside of it. I set it in my closet and waited for the boy to arrive, since he was so eager to try it on.

After only about 15 minutes, he arrived.

"Hey Rui! I'm really excited to try that outfit you had made for me. Mizuki is a rather talented designer."

He sounded confident. I giggled, finding it funny that his charisma would be destroyed in just a moment. "Of course. I really wanted to make something like this for you, because I knew you'd enjoy it." I vaguely responded, bringing him to my closet door.

He reached for the handle and I grinned, watching as he slid it open. His wide smile turned into a look of panic as he stepped inside to look at the mannequin.

I heard what sounded like a whimper come from Tsukasa and he backed up, bumping into me. "WHAT IS THIS???" He yelled, face turning red.

"Haha~ Doesn't it look adorable, Tsukasa-?"

"N-NO WAY...!!!" Tsukasa turned around and tried to leave, but I stopped him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rapidly kissed the back of his neck.

"Don't go, my love~! Fufu, I'm excited to see you wear it!" I smiled, gently nibbling his nape.

Tsukasa puffed his cheeks up and shook his head. "Never gonna happen!! I was expecting something... else."

"Eh~? You told me that you'd wear it, no matter what it looks like."

"B-But why this!? You seriously could've made anything else!"

"Remember when we went to the mall..? I saw that cute outfit and wanted to see you wear it. So... I asked Mizuki to replicate it, but better!"

Tsukasa's face flushed again. He frowned, looking at the floor. "If you really want me to wear it... I will."

I perked up, suddenly feeling a bit anxious. "Really~? If so, I'd love that! But you don't have to."

"No! Let me wear it and then it'll be over with." The blond pulled out of my grasp and slowly unclothed the mannequin. "Step out, please..."

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