In a Smaller World

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Honey, I shrunk Tsukasa
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

I was having a casual sleepover with my boyfriend to spend some quality time with him away from everyone else.

Gradually, his sleep schedule became good while mine got worse, not because of his influence but rather my own. I stayed up past when he fell asleep, so I figured it would not harm if I wanted to investigate and toyed around his house.

As I walked through his hallways, I came across a room with the door slightly cracked open. Curious, I stepped up to it, slowly peeking inside to see a bunch of things. Usually, Rui would work on inventions in his garage, but this one was safely planted in the corner of the room. It was a machine that had a small entrance, just big enough for me if I were to crawl.

Hmm, that thing looks cool. There's no warning or anything so I shouldn't get hurt!

Making my decision, I opened the door just a tiny bit more so Rui wouldn't hear it. I walked towards the thing while analyzing the rest of the room. It was full of papers and not many other inventions.

I grinned to myself and crouched into the rounded, cylinder-shaped machine as I got close enough, and I locked my eyes on a control panel with symbols and switches. I picked it up and glanced over the buttons, raising a brow.

There was a lion, a firework, and a pillow. What the hell? How does he even know what any of this means!? I decided to press the fireworks symbol, and I felt a partial pain in my head for about 30 seconds. My vision was obscured, I saw a flash of white, and my hands raised to cover my eyes for a moment. Panicked, I let out a weak yell.

The moment didn't last too long, luckily, and I shook my head when my vision cleared up. Everything was different as soon as I looked around.

"Uh..." I meekly stared at the floor. The hand-held control panel was now the size of me. I looked up and the entrance was gigantic. "D-Did this thing grow or did I shrink?" I scrambled to my feet and ran out.

The whole house was huge, but I was more concerned that Rui would be upset with me. My mind swirled as I realized my mistake, and I was not looking forward to talking to him, but I knew I had to. I was fortunately only a couple of rooms away from him, so I ran to where he slept, being cautious of any bugs or creatures that might sneak up on me.

As I arrived at his room, I found that I left the door open when I left, so I waltzed right in. To my dismay, the bed was way larger than I expected, and I was unsure of how I would get to the man.

I scratched my head and pouted, but moved to the side to get a better idea.

How am I getting up there? Rui, I'm coming for you!! I scoured around with my eyes and lit up as soon as I found a way to climb up onto the dresser, although the wood wasn't very smooth and left small calluses on my hands. Fortunately, my clothes shrunk with me, or else I'd be in a sickly situation.

After triumphing the nightstand, I was now on top of it, eying the mattress. I hopped onto the bed and landed softly on the mattress, proud of my very heroic act. Rui slept on the other side, and the only thing that got between us was his cat. She peacefully slept curled up, but if she saw me mercy would be the last thought on her mind.

I crawled past the white and black cat, staying as far away from her as possible, but she stretched as I neared Rui. Feeling a pang of anxiety, I went for it and chose to start climbing up the boy's back before she woke up, desperate for his assistance.

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