The Best Anniversary 💕

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Info before the chapter starts: This is an AU where they've been in a mature established relationship for less confusion 😭
This chapter will contain smut so if you don't wanna read it then skip also its gonna be cringey cause I can't write good
TW: like 2 swears


Anniversaries are days which should be held close to people involved, and the days should always be remembered. The man that I loved most, Tsukasa Tenma, had been my best friend since early high school, my boyfriend since late high school, and now my fiancé.

This day was our anniversary, we had treated each other to a great time out, having dinner, seeing impressive nature sights, and just overall enjoying each other's longing company, never wanting to be without each other. The romantic tension had never been higher, as we picked the best places for the very special occasion.

But quickly we arrived home and got comfortable in bed. By comfortable, I was sitting on the edge of the bed holding him close while he sat on my lap.

The clothing he wore was awfully scandalous, he had taken off his cover jacket and tie, and his white shirt underneath was unbuttoned down his chest. Sneaking a few peeks, I caught how perfectly sculpted his body was.

"Rui, I swear you get more attractive every day. Maybe it's just the atmosphere, actually." He cupped my face and slowly rubbed my cheek with his thumb. His touch was calming to me in every way, especially the way they were so loving and tender.

"You charm me darling, you truly do. As for me, I'd say you look very revealing in this outfit~ I love it!"

"!!" He blushed and tightened his grip on my shoulders. "I-Is that really a compliment? I mean, thank you?" Tsukasa looked so flushed, yet confused. I felt him wiggle a little bit, seemingly getting into a more cozy position as he scooted closer to me. (He's already on him so imagine that how you want ig)

"I'm just joking with you, don't worry." I smiled at him and pecked him on the lips softly. I moved my right hand up his side, and moved it to where the buttoning on his shirt ended. "May I..?"

"Yeah, that's fine." He looked so embarrassed, but stunning at the same time. His blond and peach hair stuck to his forehead slightly, sweat holding it down. His orange-yellow eyes wavering away, then coming to make eye contact with me every once in a while was very adorable to me.

I pulled open his shirt slightly more so I could have access. Feeling his chest, it was smooth besides the occasional bump of muscle. His nipples were soft and erect. "Someone's excited, hm?" I pressed onto it, gaining a small whimper from the other. How cute. Wanting more of a reaction from him, I moved my head to his chest and began licking one.

I felt his lower hard-on grow as well, pushing lightly onto my stomach. I moved a free hand down to pull out his cock from out of his pants. Tsukasa lowered his head near my ear, whining and holding onto me. I starting to stroke his length, starting slow, then progressively getting faster, relishing the moans I received from him.

"Haah... Rui~" He heavily panted on my neck, drooling onto my shoulders. The hot breath seeping down my chest turned me on. I stopped pumping and carefully moved him down onto the bed. He layed on his back whilst shaking underneath me. Looks like he's been anticipating this for a while, huh. Maybe he's more sneaky than I credit him for. It's now my duty to give him what he's been wanting for.

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