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ART CREDS!!: https://x.com/ilonika666?t=oPZqooKclw6EN3aOSPaRQA&s=09

This is kinda Thanksgiving but not really its just angsty
Happy part 100
Thank you ruikasaiscool and KOUUU___
This episode will be angst and fluff


Thanksgiving, the perfect holiday for someone like me. I never really cared for the family aspect and the gratefulness, I loved the food the most. I would shiver and salivate every time I imagined the delicious yams, the hot stuffing, and best of all the apple cider...

It's perfect for chowing down as much as possible without getting nasty looks for eating so much. By the end of the holiday, I'd come out looking like I'd gained 100 pounds, but it was worth it. Never had it ever inconvenienced me.

As usual, I'd spend Thanksgiving with my family and Nene's family. Nene had invited Emu's family over for the most recent two years, which I didn't mind at all. It was fun to have more people, because that meant more food.

But alas, the good things come to an end. After the fulfilling evening, I was thrown back into my boring life again. Of course I enjoyed leftovers, but by then I was getting tired of it.

Maybe I should text Tsukasa! I'm sure he had some fun, right? I excitedly pulled up my phone to message my boyfriend, Tsukasa. I wish I invited him, but he always boasts about the fun he has with his family on holidays.


Tsukasa hi! Just wanted to know how you're doing this afternoon



I've been doing alright, I suppose. Are you busy? I'd like some company, if you don't mind.


Id never mind yknow. I'll come over in a minute if you want me to.


Of course! I can get something set up for us, and maybe we can go out somewhere? I've been excited to have people over.


That'd be nice tsukasa. Expect me to be there in 15 minutes or so


I shut off my phone and smiled to myself. Since I was planning on heading out anyways, I was glad that he invited me over. I'm excited to hear about how much fun he had! Hopefully he has leftovers for me to enjoy~




Knock knock knock

As I stood outside of Tsukasa's home, I peered inside through his window that was slightly open. It was scarily dark inside, not even a single light was on.

Usually his home was full and lively, but over time the absence of Saki and his parents became regular. I felt a little bad. I usually spent my time with Nene and my mother, while Tsukasa spent his time alone...

"Hi, welcome! Sorry for being a bit late, I had to tidy up the family room."

Oh, what a cute smile. I giggled to myself at Tsukasa's bright grin. He always was so eager to please, so eager to make others cheerful with that contagious look of his.

"It's no matter, honestly. I want to thank you for letting me stay over at this time."

"Oh... Well, now's a better time than ever, right? Haha..." The star awkwardly laughed and shuffled his feet.

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