Don't Be Ashamed ♡

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I want cake
This episode will be fluff and slight angst
TW/CW: Internalized homophobia, light swearing

Tsukasa POV

When I was in my first year of high-school, I admitted to my parents that I was gay. That whole moment was really scary for me, as I had no idea how they would react. However, I received one of the best possible outcomes. My family -mom, dad, sister, and even Toya- were proud of me and accepted me for who I am.

There was a negative to this, which was that for every holiday, and I mean EVERY holiday, including my birthday, they would constantly give me LGBTQ themed attire and posters. This would normally be a good thing, but it was incredibly embarrassing for friends to come over.

I had a huge gay flag and a rainbow flag right above my bed, with posters hung up on my wall. Whenever a friend would come over, I'd take it all down. Even though I know I'm gay, it just feels weird sometimes. Nobody would want to stay friends with someone like me. I'm just so lucky that Rui wants to come over and "study", so I get to take all of these down.

Taking off the last of the many flags, I folded it nicely and shoved it into a drawer in my closet. I hid all of the pride clothes further into it just to be safe.

Just as I finished, Saki barged into my room, slamming the door open wide. "Hey, hey! Your boyfriend is here to visit!" She announced, Rui standing just next to her.

"What great timing.." I muttered to myself with a sigh, "Hi, Rui!" I closed my closet up and strolled over to my door. Saki waved and left the two of us.

I'm glad that they didn't get here any sooner. Otherwise, I would've been completely outed to Rui. Saki doesn't ever seem to mind when I take these down, but she definitely notices. It's a good thing that she hasn't said anything.

"So, you brought your book bag. Are we actually gonna be studying today?" I asked, sitting down right next to him.

"You should know by now. The only thing that I'll be studying is you~" He replied, giving a seductive glance my way.

"Are you kidding? Y-You don't have to say it like that, you know."

What he meant by studying me is studying my reactions to various prompts, ideas, and inventions that he's created. He always brings along some sort of preposterous scheme, but it always ends up making complete sense.

"So what do you say?" Rui grinned.

"Ugh, fine. I'm gonna go piss first, don't do anything crazy while I'm gone!" I stood up and nearly fell over, staggering. Low iron. Best thing is that my bathroom was just in the other room. Being there was a safe place, and I could clear my head and have time for my thoughts.

Sheesh. Rui is just immaculate all of the time. He didn't even do anything yet and he already has me blushing! That look he gave me... I felt a shiver roll down my spine. I'd do anything for him.

After my wonderful piss, I walked back into my room. The thing that immediately struck me was the missing purple haired boy. He wasn't at the spot that he just was, and not even in the room at all. "Rui?"

I heard some cluttering noises sounding from my closet. Shit, no, no, no.. what is he doing in there? To prevent whatever might've been about to happen, I paced briskly to the closet. I swear to God, Rui-

And much to my dismay, the moment that I opened the creaky door of my closet, I saw Rui sitting on the carpeted floor, with one of my flags sprawled out right in front of him. The taller looked up at me with a curious look, then back at the flag. "Uhh," I breathed out, wanting to eliminate the awkwardness, "I-It's not mine.." I tried to lie.

"Oh, really? Who's is it, then?"


"I figured that much."

"Listen- I get that it's really weird and it's probably super different to you. I swear that I won't be really awkward.." I blurted out, trying not to have Rui turn on me or something.

"...Huh? I suppose that's really how you think. Tsukasa, don't be ashamed. You know, I'm bisexual. Just know that it's completely natural."

What? So Rui doesn't hate me. I was sure that he'd be disgusted, I mean, it is really.. no, I shouldn't think that. Maybe he's right. We're similar and he thinks it's normal.

"Thanks, Rui. I've just always felt so gross despite my family accepting me. Around in the real world, people don't just easily support people like us. Honestly, I was sure that you'd hate me."

Rui gave me the most comforting smile. His facial expression was so soft, and I knew that he could really understand and relate to what I was going through.

"Tsukasa, no matter what you do, I don't think I'd ever be able to hate you! Please stop thinking things like that... it pains me to see you so hurt." He raised himself up to his feet and pulled me in for a tight embrace.

His hands on my back were so gentle, his steady breathing gave me something to focus on, and his body this close to mine gave me a deep sense of comfort. Rui still held that sentimental expression and knew how to keep me happy.

"Well, now you know." I pulled out of the hug, despite the longing for him that I felt. "Can we just... cuddle or something?" I whispered the last part, feeling pretty embarrassed by asking.

"Fufu, of course we can. Just know that I'll do anything to keep you satisfied." His delicate voice tickled my ears and brain in an amazing way.

And so, we had both climbed onto my bed to cuddle for the rest of the night. We remained like this, having deep conversations and being surprisingly uninterrupted.


I like fluff and I need MORE OF IT! I would write them cuddling but like it would be really boring so I didn't

I'm tempted to make another full angst chapter so that might happen lmao
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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