My Sunshine ✨️

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Title is irrelevant
Tsukasa in his peppa pig era that's all I have to say
This episode will be fluff


My troupe whined and gave a few exasperated groans. We planned to host a big show today, but a sudden rain hit our city.

"Well, you can't predict the weather..." I sighed and shook my head. I was just as disappointed as the others because we were all passionate about what we were going to put on.

Nene glanced around nervously as if she wanted to save the mood. "Uh... At least we have more time to rehearse, right?"

Emu nodded and I giggled. How kind of her to try to help us. But Tsukasa..? I turned around, distraught by the quietness of my partner.

To my surprise, he was not there! Just a moment ago Tsukasa was conversing with Emu while Nene and I set back a larger prop. Now, however, the blond was nowhere to be seen.

The sound of raindrops pitter-pattering on the ground and roof of the stage distracted me. Finding Tsukasa in this weather would be a problem, especially if he had left the stage.

"Tsukasa? Where did he go?" I turned to face the girls, who shrugged.

"I was just talking to him and then he walked off the stage! Let's start a search party for Tsukasa!!" She exclaimed.

No, something isn't right. I felt my stomach twist as anxiety struck my heart. He's okay, I just have to find him. I slipped off my coat and reached for a hoodie to keep myself warm.

Because it was just sunny earlier, none of us had brought umbrellas or any protection from the rain, so this was all I had.

God, why didn't I keep an eye on him!? I immediately ran off the stage and first went to the main park, but paused.

By then, I knew where I needed to go. Tsukasa enjoyed being in the rain, so behind the stage would be ideal. Past the stage, there were no attractions and instead just grass and trees.

I shielded my face and squinted through the trees, wandering to find Tsukasa. "Tsukasa!" I called out.

My boots squished in the dirt which was turning muddy, and my clothing was beginning to soak. The rain hit my skin, and it was oddly comfortable.

The water was warm and didn't feel bad, but I began to sweat from lugging my legs through the mud.

"Rui?" I heard him call.

"Ah, there you are!" My eyes lit up as Tsukasa peeked from behind a tree. I sped up my pace as I reached the blond. "What are you out here for? I was so worried..."

"Oh! Sorry, Rui," He started, "come sit down with me! I'm just enjoying the weather."

"Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm soaked, Tsukasa."

He hummed and reached for my arm, pulling me down to sit with him. My eyes widened from his sudden action, and I plopped onto the ground right beside him.

His head fell on my shoulder and he glanced up at me lovingly. "I like it." I blushed.

"Darling, we're gonna get sick! Aren't you worried?" I raised my hand slowly and pet him, running my fingers through his damp hair.

He shrugged. "It's nice though. And with you here nothing can go wrong~" He giggled and pulled himself up.

I sighed and couldn't help but smile when he hopped over to a puddle. Nearly losing his balance, Tsukasa stopped right at the edge, then jumped in it like he was a little child, splashing the muddy water everywhere and onto me as well.

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