A Moment to Rest

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I fully rewrote this thats why it was so late im so sorry guys im also sorry if its similar to last birthday idk what to do tbh

This episode will be fluff


"Happy birthday, my darling!" I tightly embraced Tsukasa while standing at the entrance to his home. He had scheduled a party for his birthday, and I was more than gleeful to attend.

I was carrying a small tote bag and flowers for the special occasion. "Thank you! Oh, these tulips are beautiful, Rui! Please come in, there's snacks and drinks if you want it." He replied, giving me a sweet look.

When he took the flowers from me, I watched him gently touch the sunshine tulips. I stepped inside and followed him to set down my bag beside a couple of other gifts. Neither of us left the other's side the entire day.

His family was very welcoming and it made my heart warm when I saw how kind they were to Tsukasa. His grins and laughs made me feel so glad to be alongside them, and partaking in the activities was fun as well.

After we were served a very appetizing platter of treats and food, Tsukasa requested that I followed him into his bedroom. Now, I had no reason to deny the birthday boy's wishes, so I quickly obliged. He had a never ending smile as we walked side by side.

"So, did you like the food? It was all homemade." He asked, taking my hand in his as we walked towards his room.

I nodded and looked down at him. "Of course! It was all delicious, truly. I'm so glad there's enough for me to take home." I squeezed his hand and sped up my pace.

"I'm glad," Tsukasa sped up as well. When we reached his bedroom, I quickly removed my hoodie and hopped onto his mattress. While I got cozy fast, my partner took his time with settling down. "I wanted to spend some time alone with you."

He turned around and slowly climbed onto the bed after me. The blond took his place beside me, laying so beautifully by my side, then kissed me lovingly, which I happily took. I raised a hand to his warm cheek and held his face to kiss him back.

Our legs began to tangle together as we both got completely absorbed the moment. His lips connected with mine and we shared the passion, causing my heart to race. My nerves were killing me, as I didn't want to ruin the moment.

Each little kiss and touch of Tsukasa's hands on my body made me feel fuzzy and excited. When we were closer than ever, we came to a hesitant stop. "I love you, Tsukasa." I smiled and gently caressed his face.

The blond chuckled and connected our lips once more. "I love you too. I've been wanting to do this with you for a long time. Sometimes just being touchy is a great stress reliever."

"Yeah. Fufu, we could lay here all day. That'll be your birthday present from me~" I giggled jokingly.

"Sounds like heaven."

Tsukasa held onto my shoulder and pushed me down on my back. He groaned quietly and hugged me, getting his head comfortable on my chest. My lips curled up and I rubbed his back to help him get comfortable.

"Am I a good pillow?" I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair soothingly.

He kissed my chest and hummed agreeably. "Mhm~ you're super warm." His eyes closed as he started speaking.

Just how tired is he? Well, I shouldn't keep bugging him. I hope he has a good nap. I leaned over and kissed his head before laying down again and closing my own eyes.

With complete satisfaction, I let myself breathe deeply and drift off to sleep. I hope your day is as good as you want it to be, Tsukasa...


Short chapter

I did a quick scan over this, but I'm pretty tired 😭😭 If there are any major errors please leave a comment so I can fix it!

I'm really glad I rewrote this because even if it's boring, I feel like this is much better than before
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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