The Letter You Wrote Me

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Based on a dream I had (literally gonna write this as accurately as my memory)
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

Checking the mail was not something my family did regularly. However, my sister noticed a truck coming by and dropping off much mail in the neighborhood and decided to go check.

When she came back to my room, I received a pleasant surprise. "Hey!! This package is for you." Saki placed a small box down carefully.

"Hmm... Do you know who it's from?" I lifted the box and rotated it to see if there were any labels.

"Nope! It only shows that it's addressed to us." She shrugged and waved. "I'll be going to my room now."

"Alright! Have a good time. I'll figure out what's in here."

She hopped out of my room and I brought the cardboard package to my bed, where I sat criss-cross.

I ripped off the tape and opened the box with my hands since I didn't feel like getting a tool to help me. The contents were slim but beautiful.

There was a perfectly fitting silver bracelet that was wrapped in a white sheet. Below it was a neatly written ink note which read,

"To my dear Tsukasa,

I have been too ashamed recently to admit this to you in person. I've always loved you dearly and no longer want it to be a secret that I hold within myself. Whenever you receive this letter, please tell me. If you will, I would like to see you wearing the bracelet I packed for you when you come to inform me.

-Sincerely yours, Kamishiro Rui"

After I finished reading the letter, I felt speechless.

For one, my best friend of almost two years now confessed to me, and to make things better -or worse- I reciprocated the same feelings.

For two, I was going to plan a date as soon as I could to tell him in person that I had gotten his letter AND bracelet.

Without any more thoughts, I immediately pulled out my phone and began typing away at my screen.

Rui!! Are you available tonight?

I have free time tonight, why?

Because I want to go on a date with you! If you want to, just text me when you're ready.

Jumping right into things aren't we? 5-12. How about 6?

Yeah, that's fine with me :) I have a LOT to talk to you about!

I'm excited. Let's figure out the rest and I'll come to pick you up.

I smiled at my phone, ecstatic that he agreed to go out with me.

At 4:30 PM I made sure that I had everything ready, including my confidence. We didn't go fancy, and thought it would be best to talk in a familiar place, which would be Pheonix Wonderland, of course!

As promised, Rui came and picked me up. We started up some small talk on the way there, and I made sure to wear the silver bracelet he sent me.

Throughout the way there, he did not notice until we arrived, but he didn't speak about it.

I could tell that he was going to say something but stayed quiet. It was painstakingly obvious that he wanted to speak and didn't know what to say.

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