Join the Literature Club!

775 11 75

I'm drinking ramuné
Also yes ddlc inspired

Do you guys wanna see my doodles I draw stuff sometimes so if you want to I'll do that

This episode will be fluff and angst (?) (Not really angst, but I wouldn't say it's all fluff ☠️☠️)
TW/CW: Stalking


I sat in the library, relishing in the quiet while I held a poster up to my face. It was a list of the clubs they'd be hosting at school, but none of them really interested me.

Cooking club? No, I'd much rather order take-out. Gaming club? Seems like a Nene thing, but I bet the people are weird. Anime club? That's a thing!?

As I judged every possible class, I started to think that every option was horrible. I wasn't doing this because I wanted to, I was doing it because my sister, Mafuyu said that I should do something with my life.

Despite the harshness, I humored her words since I knew she was probably right. As I scanned the list, two clubs caught my attention. Gardening and literature... they both sound good, but which should I choose..?

After a minute of pondering, I decided I would check them both out, starting with the literature club. Walking through the loud hallways made me uneasy, so I stuffed earbuds in my ears to drown the sound out.

I looked for the sign of the literature club, and sure enough, it was there! In all its glory. I set my hand on the door, and slightly pulled it open.

Inside, two boys and one girl all sat with each other, discussing something intently. From the sound of if, they must've been planning for the upcoming school festival. The loudest of the three was a blond boy who kept a proud grin.

There was a tall boy with blue hair and a girl with long blue hair.

From the looks of it, none of them seemed to be very interested in literature, but I could've been wrong.

"Ah, a visitor! Welcome, welcome! Are you here to join us?" The blond's voice rang through my ears with my earbuds in. I removed them and stepped inside, making myself comfortable in the cool classroom. It smelled nice, like coconut inside.

I smiled and greeted the three. "Well, I'm not sure yet. There's a couple of clubs I wanted to try out and this is one of them." I said.

The girl was the next to speak, "I wasn't expecting anyone to be here... nobody really cares about literature, huh?"

The blue haired boy stayed silent, as he seemed to be writing something. Maybe he's the literature one here.

"Hey, don't scare away our visitor!" The blond cried. He stepped forward and put a hand out to greet me. "Hello! I'm sure you'll be glad to meet me, as I, Tenma Tsukasa am on the path to stardom!!"

Just as I stuck my hand out to shake his, he struck a pose. How unexpected.

I heard a giggle come from the girl behind him. "What are you laughing at!? Hmph, I'm simply too exquisite to be understood by someone like you." He huffed, frowning with his arms crossed.

"Well, I appreciate the introduction. You two are..?" I looked over to the others. The girl was comfortable on the top of a desk, while the boy looked up at me and smiled.

"Shiraishi An! Nice to meet you~!" She grinned and waved.

"Aoyagi Touya. I appreciate you stopping by."

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