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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/hgi66r8?t=ZNkbFA9OSTNCGIwAhvIXJg&s=09
No description idk what to put sorry haha
This episode will be angst and fluff


I noticed that I was always a clingy person. Whenever I was with friends, I tended to stay right by their side like a loyal dog, never giving them a breath without me right in their face.

I always felt bad about being overly touchy, but nobody had told me to fuck off, so I kept doing it.

On a similar note, I realized that I always tended to orbit towards the ones I loved the most, especially my romantic partners. One day, I figured that I was being too clingy.

Tsukasa, my boyfriend, always put up with me during these times and would listen to me rant about the things that didn't even matter. So, as usual, this day I was bugging him while he was finishing up some homework.

He seemed to be really focused on what he was doing, but never once told me to be quiet. I was cautious with how much I was talking, but when a subject that I enjoyed came up, I just couldn't be silent!

"Ah, this little robot that I made the other day is just so cute! It acts like a little puppy and I'm so glad I have it." I gushed, leaning closer onto Tsukasa.

He looked bored and replied with, "Uh huh. Sounds cute."

I didn't mind the dry response since it was late and of course he would be tired. "I taught it many different tricks, too! It's so cool and actually listens. Every time it tricks, it puts amazing effort into it." I grinned.

"..." Tsukasa's face turned into an awkward frown, as if he was trying hard not to look upset. He stayed silent and as he wrote, it was sharp and irritated.

I thought that his homework must've been pretty hard. "The way it spins is too adorable, just like a real dog. You know, he kind of reminds me of you-"

"Rui, would you please be quiet for once!?" The blond snapped, cutting me off. He still avoided eye contact, but his expression was angry.


My heart suddenly broke as I stared at Tsukasa. He was mad at me, not his homework! "I... Um, sorry, Tsukasa." I looked away and felt dejected.

I should've just shut up. He's been tired all day... I'm so stupid! I scooted away from Tsukasa and slowly got up off the bed. It's my fault for making him mad... but he's never yelled at me before.

I turned to look at the blond once more, but I didn't get what I wanted. He still appeared to be stressed. "Please, it's seriously getting on my nerves." He said, pressing fingers onto his forehead.

"You're right..." I slowly walked away from him, feeling dejected and upset. I'm so fucking stupid... How could I really upset him like that? Why can't I ever shut up?

My lip quivered as I reached for the door handle. I stared at the ground and let out a tear, sniffling slightly. I'm such a baby.




That night, I slept on the couch. I didn't want to be a burden any longer and as soon as Tsukasa finished homework, I figured that he fell asleep.

I stayed up for hours, staring at the ceiling because I was disappointed in myself. The next day was a Saturday, so we wouldn't have school. However, he wasn't home when I went to check on him.

To pass time, I watered our plants, drew, studied, and did anything I could do. Although I tried to distract myself, my mind continued to be showered with thoughts about Tsukasa. Things such as, "is he still mad at me?", "last night was so embarrassing.", and "I wish Tsukasa was here..."

No matter how hard I wished, he never showed up. I sent him a few texts and even called him, but the blond ignored me.

I was getting really worried, so I checked his location. Eh... Where is he? Oh, he's on his way home! He's almost here. I'll be able to apologize. I smiled and felt happy as I stared at his icon.

It slowly reached our house and my heart fluttered as it did. The noise of the front door unlocking made me excited, so I quickly stood up. I ran towards the door and Tsukasa stepped inside.

"Hey..." He awkwardly said, turning towards me.

"I'm so glad you're back!" I exclaimed, rushing over to him. I stuffed my face into his neck and gently whispered to him, "I'm sorry for making you mad last night... I know I should've been quiet since you were working." I spoke softly, allowing Tsukasa to tell how genuine I was.

"No, you shouldn't apologize. I'm sorry for yelling at you like that, I was having a rough time, but I know that doesn't excuse my behavior." He pulled back, making eye contact with me.

He stood up taller and connected our lips. I blushed instantly, holding him closely to kiss him deeper. "Mmm..." He pulled away and caressed my cheek. "I love you, okay? I love when you talk to me about the things you like." He hugged me, breathing in my scent.

I smiled and pressed closer to him. "I love you more. Um... I know I talk a lot, so just tell me if it gets too much." I shamefully looked away.

"I'm telling you that it won't ever get too much. Your voice makes me so happy... Don't ever stop, Rui."


This is shorter than most parts, I just wanted to make it short and simple.

I had this idea and wrote it, so sorry if I disappoint sillies 💔💔
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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