The Cherry on Top 🍒

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This episode will be fluff


A couple hours earlier I was on a date with Tsukasa. We were having dinner at a really nice restaurant. I figured to treat him out to something nice since we started dating not long before, and I also took it as a chance to get closer to him.

After we ate, we looked for some nice places to find sugary drinks to have for a sort of dessert.

"Oh, Tsukasa, doesn't this place look cute?" We were walking on a sidewalk in a small shopping center, and this one had a 90s theme going on.

"Yeah, the menu looks cool too! I definitely want to get a milkshake with hot fudge, that's the only way to go!" He lead me inside the restaurant while holding hands with me.

"Well actually.. I don't know what I want." I imagined how each item on the menu would taste as I wondered which one would be the best as an accomplice for Tsukasa's drink.

The blond stood next to me and waited for me to make up my mind. As I decided in my mind, a kind looking waitress came up to us to see if we needed anything.

Huh, isn't that..?

As she came over here, I received a glimpse of familiarity from the brunette girl.

"Hey Rui, Tsukasa. I'm glad you came and stopped by." Mizuki's girlfriend smiled at us.

I nodded and smiled back, and Tsukasa was quick to engage in conversation with her. Hehe, it'll give me time to make up my mind, I guess!

After a couple for minutes, I told them that we were ready for ordering. Tsukasa chose a chocolate milkshake with hot fudge, and I chose to get a strawberry milkshake with extra whip. (Whipped cream for a whipped man)

We stayed and chatted with Ena for a while before leaving with our drinks. "I have a good spot for an evening like this." I told him while tightening my grip on his hand, my drink in the other.

"Hmm... You seem to have a special spot ready for any occasion, huh? I'm excited for what you have in mind!"

We decided to walk there, it was a large hill with healthy grass and a large Wisteria tree covering the area. It'll be a nice place to share this drink, and I highly doubt that anyone will be there at this time of night.

I started running, pulling Tsukasa along with me. "Ack! Rui you seem so excited for this, but my legs don't move as efficiently as yours do-"

I giggled and continued skipping to the area.

When we got there, I had us take a seat on the roots of the tree with our drinks. The chilly air barely bothered either of us since we were so close together, cuddling in each other's warmth.

"Can I try yours?" Tsukasa looked up at me after drinking his own.

"Yeah, let's have an exchange!" I nodded. We swapped cups and sipped from each other's straws. Tsukasa's was very chocolately and sweet, but also surprisingly refreshing.

"I'd never expect you to be a fan of strawberry, you know~" He giggled and rested his head on my shoulder. I blushed and started freaking out at the sudden action from him.

"Oh, I-I came to a liking of it since my mother often gave me strawberry foods." I shrugged and tried to keep my cool.

"That's really wholesome." The smaller raised his head and pulled me in for a short sweet kiss.

By now my face had fully turned red. "Mm- T-Tsukasa..!" I looked away from him, embarrassed.

"Don't freak out! I just thought it'd be appropriate to add the cherry on top for our wonderful time tonight." He casually chuckled and caressed my face.

The cherry on top, huh? I felt the edges of my lips curl upwards. How corny is that? I'd love to do anything corny with this dense boy, though. I humored the situation in my head and thought about whether I should kiss him back. I did.

Slowly, I raised my hand closest to him, bringing his face close to mine. Tsukasa wore a loving expression as we both moved in and locked lips once again.

I let my eyelids fall as we each moved our mouths in sync. Pulling apart steadily, I opened my eyes and took in the view that sat in front of me.

I'm a really lucky guy, aren't I? His soft gaze and cutely scruffy hair that rested around it perfectly had completely taken my mind.

"Come on, let's finish these. We can admire each other later!" He joked, taking another sip from his straw.

"Right, we should do that." I continued drinking while letting an image of Tsukasa flood my mind.

Flustered Rui + dense but confident Tsukasa is kind of what I live for tho

I've been craving a goddamn mcflurry AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY??
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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