Sorry About That!

971 7 12

suggested by W0nd3rh00yy ty
Silly aimless ruikasa Ft. An
This chapter will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

I tapped my finger on the table I was sitting at while I scrolled through my phone.

My date was supposed to be here soon, and I was very unamused. The idea of going out with someone I was barely friends with was nothing short of awkward for me.

I saw some cute posts from my friends, and then a bell rang, signaling the door opening to the cafè I was in. I was not surprised at all to see An Shiraishi. (My friend picked an don't judge me)

For some ungodly reason, Akito and Mizuki thought it would be funny for us to go out. I pulled my act together and gave her a nice, welcoming smile.

"An, it's nice to see you!" I sat up and put my phone away.

"Heya~! It's been a while since we last talked." She sat down across from me and we started up small talk.

"How have things been going with you and your group? I hear a bit from Toya but it's not often that we converse." I had already got a coffee, An said she didn't mind if I got a drink before her arrival.

"We've all been doing well! We got a few more gigs and we're excited to keep performing. How about you and your troupe?" She gave a kind grin.

"I'm glad you asked! We've been getting more and more visitors recently, gaining the whole theme park more traction. Doing these shows helps us all improve with our acting, too." I nodded while I rambled about the Wonder Stage.

She didn't seem to mind much about my babbling, but I still felt guilty. God, I'm probably boring her as I keep going on... I blushed and frowned.

"Apologies, I-I seem to have gone off track a bit..." I looked away from her and felt my face heat up.

Her wavy black hair gently moved when she tilted her head and laughed. "It's alright! I don't mind, it's nice learning about others." She sweetly reassured me.

As I regained my confidence, the bell sounded again, taking my attention. A tall figure stepped inside, his cat-like eyes wandering across the room. They landed on me and paused.

Rui is here? But he's by himself. What is he planning this time!?

He grinned and waltzed to where we sat. I looked away from him and prayed that he'd leave us be, but that wasn't the case.

"Tsukasa~ What a pleasant surprise to see you here!" He pushed me to the edge of my seat and sat down right next to me.

An had a curious look on her face.

"R-Rui... Didn't I tell you guys that I was busy today?" I looked up at him.

"Ehh doesn't look like you're very busy to me! Fufu, say, would you come to give us a visit at the Wonder Stage?" He asked, completely ignoring An's existence.

"Nice try Rui, but I'm not going to leave her here. You should know better than to interrupt two people on a date." I scolded him.

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