Our Secret Connection

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When the leaks came out, derick (or lemon, my friend) asked, "what would this AU be called?" And i came up with the excellent answer of, "cyber sex"
(Like 3 days after starting this writing, i still call it cybersex au)

This episode will be fluff and smut
Ft. rui losing his undergarments 😂😂


For a while, I'd been talking to this boy, someone I met on the internet. Almost all of my friends were online, since I struggled to go out and find comfort in the real world.

This boy had been on my mind for so long, and one thing led to another, and we began dating. We had met each other in person, and continued to do so. Except, things were hard.

The two of us weren't allowed to publicize our relationship. It wasn't as if everyone was homophobic, but it was rather that my boyfriend had strict parents. He would have to sneak out late at night just to see me, which I tried to stop.

He wasn't allowed in my house, either. My parents were the type who'd make sure that every guest I brought in had some sort of "proof" that they were allowed to stay over. It was often annoying.

Since we couldn't be physically intimate... We'd often have "sex" online. It was easy to just be on call with Tsukasa and hear his dirty talk while I pretended he was fucking my brains out.

Sometimes, it was different.

Really different.

Our city was beautiful at night. As the sun lowered, the powerful and glistening building lights would turn on to illuminate the often packed streets. It'd shine with bright blues, yellows, and pinks, so the two of us would often go to one specific spot.

We'd always go onto the top of one of the largest buildings in the city. Being so close to the night sky made me appreciate the star of my own. He always looked so stunning with the lights reflecting onto his radiant skin.

With the wind blowing warmly on us, the twinkling of the sky, and the romantic lights of the city, everything was just right for a perfect and intimate moment.

We never came close, though. Despite how many times he helped me jack off, we were both far too nervous for real sex. It was a heavy commitment, and I just didn't know how to initiate it. One night, things changed.

"Hey, Rui." The blond smiled at me as he made his way to where I sat, the same rooftop as always.

I felt my heartbeat pound harshly as his calmed voice reached my ears. Every time I even thought about Tsukasa, I would be oddly satisfied. "Hi! Hard time sneaking out?" I smiled at him softly.

The short boy nodded and took his seat beside me on the building's sleek exterior. "When I tried to go out the door, my mom woke up. I had to go through my window again."

Tsukasa leaned into me and made me blush. I always got flustered quickly, and the boy's loving movements made me feel safe. Trying not to seem too eager, I slowly slipped my hand into his.

"So... Is there anything you've been wanting to do out here? I'll take you anywhere."

"Last time we went out, the bill was 10,000 yen. I don't wanna make you pay that much again..."

I looked up at the older boy, who seemed to be genuinely upset. I always had to pay when we went out, because his parents monitored his spendings. If they saw the smallest amount of money was gone, they'd ground him.

Comfortingly, I wrapped an arm around him and held him close. "I love you. You don't have to worry about my spendings. I want to treat you."

"Come up with a treat that doesnt make me feel guilty!"

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