Party With the Tenmas!

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I have ibs and i never got pancakes
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

Many times me and my sister will be rewarded for having good grades! My family hosts fun parties for us when we do, and this time, I wanted to bring along some friends.

"Ahem, so, who all are you bringing over?" My father asked, pulling out bottles of sparkling cider for later.

"Well, I'd love to bring over my group mates, there's three of them, and if Toya's boyfriend can come over, too, that would be nice!" I responded, cutting fish standing just next to him.

"Alright, then you'd better know how to cook all of this before they get here." He accepted and left upstairs.

Fileting fish was an easy task for me, so I had my sister start on the onigiri and Toya worked on the Gyoza.

Just when we all almost finished, I got a call from the WonderlandsxShowtime groupchat. I rinsed my hands off, dried them, then picked up the call.

Emu was the first to speak, "Tsukasa! I'm super excited for tonight ☆!"

Nene added, "I guess it won't be that bad to try something new."

"Yes, and I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of your family." Rui announced more calmly. "Oh, and we're on our way right now! I hope you're ready for our arrival."

Immediately I perked up when I heard that from him. "WHAT? Excuse me, we never said that you could come over just yet!" I yelled.

"Don't worry. Just work faster." Nene spoke just before hanging up.

Saki started molding the onigiri faster, sighing.

About half an hour later, a ring sounded from the door, and four excited people barged in. Emu, Rui, Akito, and Nene.

Rui rushed over and hugged me, holding me very closely and tightly. "I'm so glad to see you again~" His hand trailed up to my jaw.

"What do you mean? We just met earlier today." I gave a small chuckle and kissed him on the lips.

Nene split us apart. "Ugh, please don't start being lovey-dovey right now.. at least go into another room." She stuck her tongue out at us, and I did the same back.

In the living room, Saki and Emu were chatting excitedly, accompanied by Toya and Akito, who were also discussing their own matters with each other.

"Nene, Rui, would you help me set up decorations with my mother and-"

"No need! We've finished everything." My mother appeared from somewhere in the house.

"Well, what now?" I asked.

"Hey~ I brought you a gift since I-" Blushing deeply, I covered Rui's mouth with a hand.

"Please, don't finish that sentence." Who knew what he would say, especially with my parents here? It's a no from me.

"Whatever you wish, then. Follow me." I took his hand and let him lead me upstairs.

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