It's Been a While

780 8 7

uhh imagine they're a couple of years older so maybe 20 idk your choice
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV (again, I can't make this bold or centered without wattpad thinking I want the whole thing like that too...)

"Ugh! Going back and forth between countries is so tiring..." I whined and flopped down on the floor in the place I was staying at.

Airi frowned and crossed her arms. "Hey, you're the one who proposed this event, you know!"

She was indeed correct. I had come up with a collaboration idea with me and More More Jump, despite performing different genres.

It was a hit! People from all over the world were excited and scattering about tickets to any show, but it was so much for all of us. After living in the United States for a while, I was moving back to Japan for the next show.

There was supposed to be a steady and round trip, but there was an error, causing us to take a large trip from the U.S. to Japan.

"But, he's right. We've been doing a lot of traveling to do this." Haruka bent over and picked me up onto my feet.

I suppose I'll have to go through with this. Convincing myself that I'm only doing this for the money and fame, I dusted myself off.

"I'm sure it'll be nice to get back to home..." I sighed longingly.

A few years back, I had been picked up for a massive gig, and my troupe reassured me that it was okay if I accepted it and left.

"As long as you come back." Rui had told me. As long as I come back, huh? Seems like it backfired hard.

I hadn't seen my friends in two years. One act turned into tens, and I wasn't prepared for it all. I felt guilty for leaving them behind, but due to a contract I signed, there was not much choice for me.

"Well, I'll be off to bed. The flight is tomorrow, so make sure to get enough rest." Airi gave a smile and waved.

Minori and Shizuku went to bed a long while ago, and now it was just Haruka and me that remained.

I had told her and Shizuku most about my situation, and they seemed to care.

"She's right. And hey, maybe you'll get to see your old friends again."


A week later...

Today I decided to treat myself to going back to my home town. I was anticipating going back to the Wonder Stage and hoped that they'd remember me.

I dressed myself up in a brunette wig and blue contacts, hoping people wouldn't recognize me.

The disguise worked, and the stage came into view. I removed the wig and pulled out my contacts, stuffing them in my bag. The curtains were closed, but noises could be heard behind them.

I welcomed myself in, stepping up those stairs for the first time in years.

My stomach turned, and I was scared of what they'd say to me. All of them were there!

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