"Praise Me More"

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Okay so first off
In this chapter they have an established relationship just thought I should add that
This will be a SMUT CHAPTER so if you are uncomfortable with reading that, then I suggest you skip this chapter.
TW/CW; Sexual descriptions, hair pulling, swearing


I sat on a chair, at my desk in my room. It was pretty messy, but I really just didn't have any energy to clean up. This problem had an easy solution, because my lovely boyfriend was cleaning for me. Of course I wanted to help him, but there were a few important blueprints that I needed to finish. Props for the stage won't make themselves, you know.

"I'm getting annoyed, Rui. You've been working all day and won't find time for me." Tsukasa stood to my right, putting his hands on his hips, looking rather pissed off.

"You think so? I mean, I'm trying to work on these props for an upcoming show. Don't you always want our shows to be perfect?" I mocked him with a slight smile forming on my face.

"Hey! That's unfair! You should love me just as much as you love making these weird props." His arms quickly moved as he crossed them, looking away from me.

"Oh dear. I suppose I can make an exception for you. Tell me," I started, getting up out of my chair, "what do you want to do right now, then?" Moving over to him slowly, I looked down at him, waiting for a response.

He just stared at me. He looked scared? Amazed? I wasn't sure. "Uh... w-well- I mean..." His face quickly began turning from pale to a light pink. "Let's just cuddle, or something." He stepped closer to me and hugged me nervously. Cuddles. Tsukasa usually prefers quality time over physical touch. Maybe he really is touch starved...

I hugged him back, lightly kissing him on his neck and the side of his face, and rubbing his back slowly. Together, we walked onto the bed and got in a more comfortable position. We were both laying on our sides, I was spooning him, kissing him from behind and continuing to rub his stomach and chest area.

I noticed how his eyes closed, and he seemed to be getting really comfortable. I'm glad that he's doing alright. I should check up on him more often.

I began moving down lower, to his waist. The blond's shorts were pretty thin. His thighs were smooth and thick. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by touching a spot he didn't want, so I'd start gradually at a new spot, waiting for any sign that he didn't want it. As I brought my hand back up, I felt a tent in his pants.

"Ah! Rui..." Tsukasa moaned at the sudden touch. Oh my~ I wasn't expecting this tonight.

"Sorry, Tsukasa. Is it okay if I help you down here?" I waited patiently for him to allow me.

"I don't mind at all, please do." As soon as I heard all that I needed to, I pulled down his shorts and immediately began stroking his aching cock. Hearing his heavy breathing and loud whimpering only pushed me to go faster. I moved my hand up to the tip, and brushed over it, applying pressure over his slit. "Mm! Rui, please do that again~" Tsukasa's grip got tighter on a pillow that he was holding on to.

"Shh, hold on, Dear." I sat up from the position we were in, and moved Tsukasa over so he was on his back. He was now under me, holding the pillow close to him at his chest. I took the pillow into my hands and set it aside. "I promise I'll give you a good release. Tsukasa, you look so beautiful." Praise was the main key to Tsukasa's heart, it was something that always made him euphoric, almost. He really would enjoy it a little bit too much.

He blushed, but he was definitely getting impatient fast. "I want you to praise me more." Staring down at his hungry cock, I grinned.

"Of course, Darling. I'd do anything for you~ after all, you're a star, my star." Feeling confident, I lowered my head into the crook of his neck, recieving a short whine of pleasure when I bit his neck. "I feel so honored to be seeing you like this, your frame is so stunning. Your face is just immaculate, and your personality is a perfect match for it."

"Yes, of course I'm perfect! It's just who I am." Tsukasa tried to keep up his persona, but failed. My hand reached down to his length once again, and I moved my body down with it. "Mmh.. Ah-" He covered his mouth with an arm, which I removed quickly with my free hand. I put as much of his dick in my mouth as I could, and I bobbed my head up and down it, licking and sucking as I went. I rolled my tongue up a vein that started from his base, and followed it up to his tip. By doing this, Tsukasa let out many loud moans. I would breathe out heavily, sending more warmth down to his base.

I pushed myself to go down further, feeling the tip hit the back of my throat. "Mm!" I was caught by surprise as two warm hands wrapped around my head and in my hair. Tsukasa had a grip on my hair, and I felt him pull me up and down, forcing me to go at a faster pace. This unexpected action made me moan more, and turned me on even more. He knows just how to pleasure me, huh? I thought to myself.

"Ah, fuck! Rui, you're doing so good right now! I'm getting close~" He announced, pulling my hair even more. I felt my own release coming, despite only giving. The feeling of Tsukasa pulling me up and down felt incredible, and the pain was enjoyable.

Tsukasa thrusted into my mouth a few more times, and by the last, he came inside of it. The warm and sticky substance filled my senses and trickled down my throat. The saltiness didn't bother me much, and I swallowed as much of it as I could. I felt hot tears form in my eyes from the roughness, so I blinked them back.

Pulling away, I kissed his tip and licked the few remaining streams of cum that dripped out of my mouth. "Thank you, Rui. I guess I should help with yours though, right?" The shorter sat up, shaking slightly.

"No, I'm okay. Fufu, next time I'll make it more fun~" Any previous tension had completely disappeared, and we immediately became comfortable with our situation.

"That sounds awfully suspicious, but I'll trust you on this." Tsukasa shrugged and let out a short laugh. "I kind of want to shower now, do you want to join me?" He offered. Oh my! A shower with Tsukasa?

"Wow, count me in!"

"A bit eager much, don't you think?" Tsukasa teased.


Wow that's so cute woww
I don't really have anything to say except sorry for posting this super late. I don't know how I feel about writing smut, and I might try again in the future but no promises 😭😭

Anyways I'm craving salmon rn, ty for reading. Next chapter will either be all fluff or fluff and angst. Full angst is too much for my heart to handle ong

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