This Problem Called 'Feelings'

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Cute I'm actually keeping my word and updating daily 😍
This is going to be all fluff and just ruikasa having a good time with emunene. I'm considering doing a double upload tonight, but we'll see how it goes.

The only problem in this is Tsukasa's overthinking about Rui, and vice versa
CW: Swearing (like once)

Tsukasa POV

I sat next close to Nene and Rui on a bench backstage. Emu was excitedly sharing her insane ideas to the three of us, all of which Rui seemed a bit too happy with. Nene, on the other hand, seemed to be overwhelmed with all of the ideas.

Although she can be a bit rude, I felt nothing but sympathy for her in that moment.

"Nene!! What do you think about a super cool show about mermaid-pirates with super WONDERHOY effects and really really scary sea dragons??"

Nene sighed and gave a small smile. "Emu, we have to think logically." She responded.

"I think that we can make it work very logically, and I'm super excited to work on those special effects." Rui added.

"Yeah! I agree!" Emu and Rui both continued discussing their wild thoughts, completely ignoring Nene's point. These two are definitely something else. In a good way or bad way, they always end up thinking up the weirdest plot lines...

"Rui, as smart as you are, I don't think-" of course, the moment I speak I end up getting cut off.

"Tsukasa, how long do you think you can hold your breath underwater for?"

"Wait, what!? I'm okay with trying out a water themed show, but actually having me go underwater? And how am I supposed to accurately move while I'm under?" I protested against this absolute crime of a show idea.

Rui giggled rather scarily. "Well, as a star, you should be able to take it very well. Wait, do you hear that..?" As he was talking, some sort of commotion started somewhere not far from the wonder stage. Huh? That sounds like maybe people arguing? Maybe we should go check it out.

"Oh... yeah. It sounds like people are upset over there." Nene spoke up.

Emu pushed past Rui and began running towards the source of the sounds. "We have to go and make sure that everyone is okay! Let's go!" She happily skipped down the stairs of the stage and kept going.

"W-Wait! Emu..." Nene called after her friend and also began chasing after Emu with a light jog.

I watched as the two got further away and behind some trees that covered the situation. The trees and bushes were too thick, so I couldn't really tell what was happening. "Well, I guess we should probably go after them, then." I began making my way towards the location, but was stopped in my tracks.

"..?" I felt a sudden warmth wrap around me. It was awfully quiet, and I was confused. There was no explanation for our current position.

Turning my head, I noticed that Rui had his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. Even though this is kind of weird, I really like it. The sounds of our breathing was the only thing I could focus on. "Rui, what are you doing?" I was getting comfortable in the hug, but it's not like we could stand here forever. It's not like we wanted to. Right?

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