My Pianist

396 6 50


I like instruments
This episode will be fluff


My whole life I'd taken an interest in instruments and making music. Especially with performances, music was what expressed the feelings and made the moment. It was so imperative, setting the mood for anything imaginable.

Without music, many people wouldn't be united. Ever since I was young, my parents praised me since I had a knack for making music and learning instruments. This encouraged me to keep going. I promised myself that one day, I'd be the best musician ever.

I had taken on trumpet, violin, clarinet, flute, and plenty other instruments. The only music-making device that I couldn't conquer was the piano. I would practice and practice, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it.

Often, I would try to learn a song that was simple and start from that. I never was able to master more than two songs at once, since my mind would get confused, and my motor skills were lackluster.

Perhaps I'd filled up all of the available knowledge containers in my brain, or maybe I was just slow at comprehending specific things.

Either way, I was always envious of those who held talents that I didn't- especially when it came down to music. So, when I took classes, I made sure I was the best out of the group.

That was until a particular boy showed up and completely pushed me off my pedestal.

"Ah, Tenma! You're perfect! How are you so talented?" A group of students praised the boy.

I knew that he was better than me, but it saddened me to watch my supporters flock over to another person without a single word. The same people that would compliment me every day had flaked on me for this random. My heart felt betrayed, but my mind shrugged it off. A successful person shouldn't let small things deter them.

I bit my nails, eyeing him while I sat in the opposite corner of the room. Our instructor had left and it was time for us to get ready to leave. The others chatted while getting their instruments together, but I just stared at them with my trumpet in hand.

Some part of me admired him, as he flawlessly took on anything with a brave face. If he messed up, he would simply accept it and try again, quickly mastering whatever he wanted. It was so impressive, seeing this boy around my age do even better than me at my passions.

Sighing, I pulled up my case and put the trumpet back inside with the cork. After a few minutes, most students had already left class. I looked through the quiet room, spotting Tsukasa. He seemed to be troubled with something.

"Excuse me..? Do you need help here?" I looked down at him who seemed to have a struggle pulling apart his clarinet.

He perked up, looking up at me. His eyes were wide and glittered with embarrassment. "Ah, well... You know how instruments are. Unnecessarily tough." He huffed, yanking the bell off of the body.

I kneeled down beside him and took the clarinet out of his hands. I gently twisted the lower joint, not wanting to damage the rings. To me, it was clear that he hadn't been greasing the corks.

My hand reached over to his case and threw it open, yanking the grease out of the case. "I thought you were an instrument master. Never would've expected this kind of neglect."

After I pulled apart the pieces, I made sure to grease each part just enough. "N-Neglect..? Oh, well... I do consider myself to be a pro, but I often skip out on greasing since it's just quicker to not do it." He shrugged.

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