You're on my Mind~

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I've had this idea for the longest but couldn't figure out how to write it!! Here we are now, I did it 😈 (pretend that Ruikasa share classes)
This episode will be fluff
CW: Swearing i think

Tsukasa POV

Rui held closely onto me, having his long, strong arms pull me in. He wore a tight fit black suit that had white accents, and white soft gloves to match. His hair was styled and added to how dreamy he appeared.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, nearly drooling at the sight in front of me. "Tsukasa, won't you run away with me? Let's both escape the hardships of our lives and simply enjoy time with each other forever!" He beamed.

"Would you really have me join you?" I felt my face heat up at his soft and caring words, needing any ounce of confirmation I could receive.

Instead of getting a verbal response, I got a gentle touch of his lips on mine. Accepting it, I pushed my lips harshly back onto his. This feels amazing.. I relished the moment.


"Tenma!" My teacher angrily hit my desk with a wooden ruler, immediately gaining my attention. "You're my best student, but recently you've been out of it. Do you need to see a counselor or will you focus?"

I felt my heart sink. How the hell..? Was I seriously daydreaming about Rui again? "I apologize! It won't happen again." I looked back at her determinedly.

I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck. Many people's eyes were on me, including the one I was fantasizing about.

Rui's eyes were locked on mine. He only had concern and worry in his eyes. I felt guilty that I couldn't tell him what the matter was. All I did was give him weak reassuring smile and break eye contact with him.

Sure, being called out in class was embarrassing, but my head habitually went right back to zoning out. However, I was smart enough to pretend as if I was working on writing notes or something, so I got away with it until lunch.

At lunch

Me, Rui, Nene, and Emu found a spot outside with our bentos to eat. Of course we sat outside since Emu snuck over to our school for lunch and we couldn't have her get caught.

Unfortunately enough, Rui brought up something that I wish he didn't.

"Oh, and Tsukasa! I meant to ask earlier, but are you doing alright?"

I stuttered over my words. "Uh, yeah I-I'm okay! Just.. worrying about my sister's health." I fibbed.

"Aww, I'm sorry about that. I hope she can fully recover soon."

Even Nene added imput, "She seems to be a big concern of yours. Tell her that I hope she gets better." Emu enthusiastically nodded after Nene spoke.

Great, now I'm guilty for lying about my sister's health. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

We kept eating our lunches while bringing up some small talk. I had no reason to daydream about Rui since he was sitting right beside me, like a dream come true. However, he was really distracting. The way he smiled, talked, and moved, EVERYTHING had me in a trance.

Surprisingly often I'd tease Nene about crushing over Emu, but here I was having the same issue.

As Rui spoke to Emu about an upcoming show, I felt someone's gaze on me. Of course it was Nene, who side-eyed me with a smirk. She pointed at Rui then to me. I replied to her by shaking my head side to side and frowning, moving my hands into an X motion.

She gave me a thumbs up and stood up from the table. "Emu, will you come with me for a moment? I need to talk to you."

Emu happily agreed. "Sure I'll come with you!"


The two girls skipped away, leaving me with Rui. Alone.

He seemed to not be bothered by this at all, continuing to eat his food. Soon, we were both finished, meaning I couldn't avoid conversation with him.

I awkwardly fidgeted with my fingers and sleeves, waiting for him to initiate anything.

"Apologies if this is sudden, but would you be able to come stay the night at my place? I have a few new inventions that I'd like you to test." He asked, looking down at me.

"I'm okay with that. Just don't accidentally injure me or something!"

"Great! Fufu, we could skip out right now. I know you've got a car~!" Rui sneakily grinned at me.

"Woah, wait! I can't just skip out on the rest of my classes." I stopped and let myself think. "Actually, I don't really have any important classes..."

"Oh? I'm glad to hear that you're considering my idea."

"Fuck it, let's just go now!" I packed up my bento and so did Rui. We both made our way to my car which wasn't a long way from where we were eating.

At Rui's home

I can't believe that I'm actually skipping half of school.. but I'm doing it with Rui! Hopefully my mom doesn't beat my ass.

He led me to his office room which was right next to his bedroom. His office was very messy, with ripped papers all across the floor. Robots, metal scraps, bolts, tools, empty water bottles... but it did smell really good.

"Oh, don't mind the mess! My bedroom is a lot cleaner, trust me." He casually stepped through the trash and sat down at his desk. I followed, slightly more unsure of my surroundings. "Anywhere is fine." The taller spoke, replying my question on where to sit before I even got to ask.

He pointed at a few blueprints of props, but I accidentally stopped paying attention.


I blushed when he pulled me down to sit on his lap. "Tsukasa, I think you're adorable when you're flustered!" He giggled at my appearance.

"Hm!? Rui, you're embarrassing me.." I looked away, breaking eye contact with him.

"Tsukasa." He gained my attention.



"Hellooo??" Rui waved his hands in front of me aggressively, snapping me out of my mindless daze immediately.

"S-Sorry! I was just.. Nevermind. Where were we at?" I brushed off the situation and tried to continue the conversation with Rui.

"Dear... So you expect me to repeat everything I just told you? Actually, let's do this in the morning." He sighed and put down his pen.

"No, Rui, I'm sorry! I'm just a little tired today. I didn't mean to make you upset or something." I quickly raised my hand to his arm, rubbing it calmly.

A small hint of pink coated Rui's face, his eyes slightly widening. "O-Okay. Just listen this time, alright?" He gave a small chuckle before going back to his ranting over his latest invention.

I listened this time and actually was able to give some valuable imput.

I need to stop myself from thinking about him all the time. I don't want to see Rui disappointed, so I'll be sure to listen to him from now on!


Mindless writing I'm bores as fuck rn

2hatever rtnrhfnnf I'm tired rn and a stupid ass little kid is being so annoying rn this is why I'm never having kids.
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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