Is This Love?

659 13 79



This episode will be FLUFF FLUFF RAAAHHH FLUFF

Tsukasa POV

"Rui, please go out with me this year!" I announced, feeling my heart flutter nervously.

For Valentine's Day, I told myself I would ask Rui out. My goal was to make the message sweet, but straight to the point. A platypus plushie laid on my bed, watching me practice my message to a mirror.

I also had a small bouquet of tulips, (Rui's favorite), alongside a neat letter written with care. No matter how much I practiced, I couldn't think of what exactly to say. I sighed and shook my head.

"No, that one was far too bland... Perhaps something like this," I cleared my throat before going again, "Rui, I would truly appreciate it if you agreed to being my Valentine this year!"

I flopped over and landed harshly on my back. "Why must this be so hard? I want it to be clear, and... I want him to be more than just my silly Valentine."

I frowned. It was getting late, and the big day was tomorrow. I had no time to stall, but I was failing to find an idea. Little glistening tears formed in my eyes as I looked down at my practice sheet, threatening to spill. The paper had at least twenty scrapped ideas.

If I don't give him something worthy, then what's the point? I wouldn't be surprised if Rui's already going out with someone... I mean, he's beautiful, incredibly skilled, and the sweetest man I've ever met.


That's it! Without wasting another second, I sat up straight and went to write my next letter. If I could come up with something so right in my mind, I could word it even better.




Rui, I'm going to be honest! Throughout the time, you've been my partner, I've found you charming, kind, and nothing short of beautiful. To get straight to the point, I want you to be my Valentine! Not only that, but I'd love for you to be my boyfriend!




"Hahaha! This is absolutely splendid! Of course I was able to come up with this. Now, I should practice it until bed."

The next day

I made my way up to the school building, feeling a new pep in my step. I was so proud of myself, and more than excited to let Rui know how I felt about him. As usual, the boy was standing just away from the main entrance, waiting for me.

His eyes lit up as I walked towards him, and he stepper forward to meet me halfway. "Hey, Tsukasa! It's the day of love, isn't it~? Have you got a date?"

I grinned at him, my anticipation bubbling up in my stomach. "Good morning, Rui! I don't quite have a date, but I do have somebody in mind."

"Ah, who's the lucky person?"

The purple boy gave me a smirk, genuine interest creeping over his face. He looks so elegant..! The way his features are complemented by this light... Rui is so striking!

I blushed. "You'll find out soon! A-After everything goes right, that is."

"Fufu, I love your confidence. Will you walk with me to class again?"

"Of course!! Let's get going, Rui!"

The two of us headed to our shared class, chatting on the way. It was really nice getting to share a class with someone I loved so much. Of course it was still my job to keep an eye on Rui, which I did, but I would still let some of his antics pass by.

With us sticking together throughout the day, I had the perfect excuse to meet him somewhere nice to confess. My mind was set on the rooftop, or perhaps beside the front of the school, but I wasn't sure. That had me the most worried.


After a boring day, I was anxious, and more anxious. It's almost time for me to tell him, but I still don't have it all figured out. "Tsukasa. Follow me down to the front of school... Quickly, before everyone gets there!" Rui giggled and lead, running down the hallways.

"Hmm?! R-Rui, this is so sudden!" I gasped as he took off sprinting. "We aren't supposed to run in the school!!"

After drawing attention from students and teachers, I caved in and ran after him. The boy was surprisingly fast, but I knew I could keep up with him. The only thing that stopped me was not wanting to upset school faculty.

I chased him down the stairs and through the hallways until we reached the front of the school, a few feet away from the doors. Catching my breath took a moment, but I eventually got steady.

"Hah... Rui... S-Seriously, what's all of this for?!" I exhaustedly asked him. The boy chuckled and pushed me in front of him. I turned around with a confused look, when...


I flinched at the loud noise that overtook my senses. There was a sudden shower of pink confetti, paper hearts, and small heart-shaped balloons. Some of the decorations were stars too, which I especially found cute. This is...

My eyes went wide at the scene, our entire school being coated in the decorations. Although endearing, I couldn't help but laugh.

Just like my birthday. How much trouble is he going to be in this time?

"Tsukasa, I've been struggling to find the words to say it. Since Valentine's Day is the perfect time... Will you be my boyfriend? I've been in love with you for so long, and it'd mean the most to me if we could try this out."

The boy had a nervous, yet reassuring expression. It was obvious that this was something he wanted a lot, and the feeling was mutual. "Rui..."

I clenched my fists and raised an arm to wipe off my tears that had been falling. The moment was so meaningful to me. "Yes! I would be more than grateful to be your partner!!"

I stepped forward, then threw my arms around Rui. My arms squeezed him tightly as I cried with my face on his shoulder. The boy giggled and weakly hugged me back, weakly due to my grasp on his limbs.

"You're gonna be in so much trouble..." I sniffled and looked up at the taller. He shrugged and leaned down slightly.

"It'll be worth it. I'd do anything to see your smile, Tsukasa."




I held Rui's hand as he announced to our friends that we started dating. It was rather easy, considering that they all had us figured out.

"I'm mad at you for stealing my confession, Rui! I had it all planned out!" I huffed and crossed my arms.

He laughed and playfully ruffled my hair. "I'm sure yours was much better. Care to show me your letter?" He leaned over and looked lovingly into my eyes. As I stared at my new boyfriend, I felt relieved.

Slowly, I gave a nod. There was a part of me that truly wished I got to tell him, but I also was glad I didn't.

"Care to get a room?" Nene sighed.



I had fun writing this... Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!! I hope you all have fun with your partners, friends, family,etc. If you're alone this year,that's okay! Just know you're very loved and appreciated 💕💕

Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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