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Sorry for fucking off i don't really have an excuse though
This episode will be angst and fluff
TW/CW: Death, illness, mentioned suicide


I walked beside my lover, holding a hot cup of coffee. Tsukasa's warm hand touched mine as we treaded down the rainy city. Because of how much it was pouring, not many people bothered to stay out during the rough weather.

Tsukasa wouldn't usually either, but he had been insistent on making me feel special. "When I'm going through rough times... my guilty pleasure is getting treated to nice things." He had told me.

I raised my cup to take a sip of the coffee, allowing the hot liquid to heat up my body. I glanced down at Tsukasa with dreary eyes, observing how happy he looked. After returning my gaze, he stopped in his tracks.

"What is it? You're looking at me as if... um, nevermind..."

"Sorry. I don't mean to ruin our time together, but I just don't get it. You're wasting your time and money on me. Isn't it pointless?"

The blond chuckled and pulled me slightly to the side, getting us out of the way of a civilian passing by. His eyes turned from shining and gleeful to a bittersweet look.

Shaking his head, Tsukasa stepped forward. "No way! You don't understand it, Rui. Never ever in any case will you be pointless!"

I moved closer to him and leaned over to hug the boy. My eyes teared up while I stuffed my saddened face onto my lover's snug body. His arms held me close, rubbing up and down my back to make me feel safer.

I sniffled, squeezing him tightly. My heart and mind was flooded with fear. The last thing I wanted was for Tsukasa to leave me, he never would, but I just didn't understand. What if on my last day, he left me entirely?

"Thank you for making my end a good one..." I cried softly in his touch, my grip tightening once again.

"..." He faintly sighed. "Why do you have to be such a pessimist? I want you to feel loved and special! I want to aid in taking your mind off of these horrible things for a moment. Won't you let me?"

I pulled out of the embrace, staring curiously down at my partner. He frowned at me, as if he was fully determined to fix my life.

"How can I do that? It's so scary, Tsukasa..."

"I know it is. But, don't you want to make the most of it? I'm doing all of this because I love you and I want you to feel freedom before..."

"If I'm gonna die anyway, there's no point."

"To me, there is."


Just a week later, I was sent into a bleak hospital room to live out my last moments. I hated it. To me, being confined in that room with people around me all crying was close to hell. I hated seeing all of those people depressed because of me.

Who's going to take care of mom? Is anyone truly going to miss me..?

Each time I saw my love, it pained me more than comforted me. Seeing the man I loved be sad because of myself made me feel like a true failure. It made me reflect on everything I had done wrong in my life.

Each word spoken to me undug a ruthless part of my past, making me feel much worse. I hated the reminders, but the consoling fact of my end being near helped me be calm. What was the point in being ashamed of the past when I was so close to having no future?

Before being admitted to the hospital, I considered suicide. I wanted to live. Hell, I wanted to thrive.

That wasn't possible.

Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

I wanted to die happily by my own hands instead of having to suffer in a hospital bed as my entire body ached. Fear is what stopped me.

"Rui, I love you. There's no need to be afraid of the end, no matter how scary it is. You won't be alone, okay? I promise."

He promised me.

But so long ago, he also promised me that we wouldn't ever be separated. We're being separated. I... I don't want to die! I don't want to leave him..!

"I promise."

A rather meaningless promise. One that was erased so soon. Too soon.

His words echoed through my hollow skull, inflicting terror throughout my entirety. I thought we were going to stay with each other forever. It seems that this Earth, this time, is not right. And maybe, somehow, we'll get to be together again.




"Rui, come on! We don't have much time before we're late to the concert!!"

I looked up from my bag for the first time in about half an hour. My boyfriend had been pestering me about taking so long, but with reason. I had been so worried about forgetting something, so I was triple checking my bag.

"S-Sorry..! I just wanted to make sure..."

"I know." The blond walked up to me with a soft smile, then took a seat beside me.

His hand touched my thigh then rubbed up and down, making sure that I was soothed enough before he continued. "Rui, you're always so paranoid. I promise you that everything's gonna be okay!"

I perked up at his words. My knotted stomach seemed to work itself out while my heartbeat regulated at the same time. Something about the sound of a promise comforted me largely, possibly because it felt oddly familiar...

"Only since you promise, Tsukasa."


For those of you that are unaware, my smutshots got taken down (fully deleted) and I don't feel like reposting them as of now.

Uhhh ruikasa idknwhat else to say here just orwtend thatbi said something super cool
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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