The Perfect Set-up

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(hc) My genuine reaction to when mizooki is the superior match maker
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

One of my friends, Mizuki had contacted me the day prior about taking my chances on a blind date. Obviously I declined, because they'd probably just set me up with one of the Wonder Stage mascots. Instead, they offered to take me shopping with them.

Without having reason to say no this time, I threw on a casual outfit and drove to the mall. Mizuki had given a very specific location, so despite the maze-like mall, I could still get there on time with little to no trouble. Little did I know, the trouble would be there.

As I approached the spot near a boba shop, I saw none other than Rui. Seeing him made me excited, so I went to say hi.

"Hey, Rui!! How are you?" Pheonix Wonderland had been shut down temporarily due to the intense weather in the area, so I never had the chance to meet Rui in about a week.

Often I'd think about asking him out, but I'd just convince myself not to in case I embarrassed myself.

I approached the taller boy, he smile down at me. "It's nice to see you, Tsukasa! I'm doing alright, just overall bores without you guys."

"Yeah, I feel the same way. Anyhow, what are you doing here?"

"Mizuki asked to meet me here at this specific spot. They said we were gonna go shopping." He replied.

"!!" I frowned and thought to myself. So this is a set-up? I should've known... at least it's with Rui, though. Maybe I can confess to him later. "Uh, Mizuki told me the same thing." I chuckled anxiously.

"I understand now. Usually they plan things in advance, so I was curious from the start. However, since we're already here, we should at least check out a shop or two." Rui nodded contently.

I blushed while thinking about going on a date with Rui. "..Is this a date?" I muttered.

Instead of responding, Rui's face also turned red.

Noticing my mistake, I freaked out. "Uh, nevermind! Let's get a drink here since we're nearby." I grabbed his hand and walked into the boba shop.

Inside it was full of color, sparkling pink, green, and light blues were painted over the walls. There were many different kinds of tea flavors you could get, as well as boba flavors.

"It's really nice in here." I watched attentively as Rui admired the architecture and decorations in the room.

He's cute and all, but we still need to order. I lightly nagged on his sleeve and nodded my head in the direction of the menu.

Slightly flustered, he quickly regained his mind and began checking out the items.

We soon decided what we wanted, ordered, and enjoyed our drinks. "Mm, this is so sweet~!" I beamed.

Rui giggled and agreed. "You're right. I'd say it's just the perfect amount of sweetness to satisfy me right now."

We walked side by side, checking out snack stores, figure stores, clothing stores, and really any place we could find.

Small talk felt so natural between us, and if this was a date, it was the best I've ever felt on a date. "Ooh, look! That places looks cool." I pointed to a clothing store which seemed to obtain every style of clothing.

Rui seemed attracted to the street style and grunge esc. clothing, and I orbited between a few kinds. In my head, I wasn't just shopping for myself, but for my sister too.

I reached the more cutesy feminine section since I figured Saki would also do so. When I did, I hear Rui laugh from behind me.

"You'd look so cute in that skirt and top, don't you think?" He chimed.

"H-Huh!? Why would you even think about that??" My face reddened and I crossed my arms. Taking a second look, the skirt was super short and the top was tight. He's kidding. I wouldn't even fit that!

"Hehe, I'm just teasing you...unless?" He smirked deviously.

"NO!" I let my hands block my face while Rui began cracking up more.

I slowly let my hands down and smiled. Even though he's teasing me, I really love his company. His laughing was so sweet and genuine. It's relieving to know that someone cares so much.

I sighed and picked up my drink again. We checked out the clothes we wanted to buy.

Rui and I took a few more stops at other stores and a photo booth, then made our way to the exit. We both made free space in our hands to hold the others, stuffing our bags (and drinks) in the opposite hand.

"Hey, that was really nice.. I'm glad that you wanted to stay." The purple haired boy spoke solemnly.

"I probably would've left had it been anyone else, but I just can't deny a whole day with you." I set my bags down and hugged him.

"I feel so special~" He hugged me back. "Actually, could you stay the night at my place..? Sorry if it's sudden, I'm just gonna be by myself for a while." He asked.

"Hmm.. sure! I don't have anything else planned. We should both drive on our own to get there since we brought our own cars." I nodded and grinned.

After that, we drove to Rui's and hung out for a long time. We went out for dinner and had a good time with each other.

After contemplating whether I should've confessed to him, I decided that it'd be best if I didn't. "Maybe another time.." I had told myself.


Cowardkasa + Flir(ui)ty 😱😱

I'm grinding out 3 stories in one night so I don't have to do them a last minute!! (This is the first)

Also I really do appreciate the consistency of you all and I would keep going but I'm tired
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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