Questioning Myself (Pt. 1)

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Me every day, so why not write about Tsukasa struggling
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

I lay on the carpeted floor of my room, frowning to myself about my personal life.

So, I'm not straight... it's weird thinking about it since I always just assumed I was. Ever since Rui came into the picture, things were different. I never looked at someone and thought 'I want to kiss them' before I met Rui.

I sighed and sat up. I had a few boxes of rather Americanized Chinese food, plastic cups, and random garbage right in front of me. I picked up a clear wrapper and stared right through it.

A label wrote, 'Do it for you.' I thought that was weird.

Do it for... Me? Do what?

I reached for a fortune cookie and tore it open, sliding out the thin paper. 'Soon, you will meet great fortune if you take the risk.'

Take the risk..? I never thought I'd end up stressing over a fortune cookie before, but here I am.

I crunched on the sweet cookie and pondered even more, licking stray crumbs that fell onto my lips and chin.

What if I don't like him and it's just some weird obsession? I don't want to break his heart. I protested to myself, shaking my head. Then, I read the fortune again.

It seemed way too good to be true, but I desperately hoped it wasn't a cheesy coincidence.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, opening my contacts to Rui and hoping that he would respond.


Hey, are you doing anything right now? I'm kinda bored and was hoping you'd be available to chat :))

I'm all free for the night, so would you like to call or just text?

A call would be nice, I've got a lot on my mind so be prepared

I'm glad you picked me to talk to, then <3


I grinned and quickly pressed to call Rui. Most of the time I'd rant to him and he assisted and listened, but this time was different.

I felt butterflies when I heard his calm, soothing voice sound through my phone. It always made me happy when I got to hear him.

"So, what's going on with you? I sure hope you aren't sore from practice earlier." He spoke.

"Heh, I'm feeling just fine physically. I just wanted to talk about uhh... personal stuff?" I got comfortable on my bed, leaving my mess on the floor.

I placed my phone on my chest and closed my eyes. "I'm all ears, Tsukasa. Don't be afraid to talk to me about anything."

I smiled softly, then began talking. "Well, I've always seen myself as straight, y'know. But recently, I've been growing a crush on one of my guy friends, and I don't know if I'm gay or just..." My voice trailed off.

Rui was silent for a moment, but then a short hum could be heard from him. "I understand that sexuality can be tough, especially since you haven't been exposed to anything of the sort. It's best to experiment and learn what you like in people."

I raised a brow. "Experiment? How could I do that?"

"You could try dating this person and see how it goes out, imagine yourself being with someone of the same gender, and many other things. There are plenty of categories to fall under in the gay 'umbrella'."

I thought about it. "Well then, are you gay? Or I suppose just LGBTQ?"

"I see myself as Bisexual, yes."

I opened my eyes and shot up, feeling a spark of opportunity arise. "Rui, I have a proposal for you, and hear me out!!"

"I am hearing you out." He softly talked, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Would you date me- or at least act like it so I can figure out if it's what I like? As long as you're okay with it, of course."

"Tsukasa... I-I suppose I shouldn't turn down an opportunity like this, so yes, I will date you."

I felt very smart for coming up with such an incredible idea. Just later that night, I invited Rui over so we could set the ground rules. He showed up in a hoodie and cute shorts, which made me very happy.

After talking about it for a while, he seemed completely on board. I secretly was upset that it was an 'experiment', but I'd take any time with Rui.

I cuddled with his thigh while my head rested on his lap. We always shared intimate moments, but never did anything lovey-dovey to avoid any tension.

I loved being close to him, and feeling his long fingers run through my hair gently made me blush.

"I love you, Tsukasa. I'm happy that you wanted me to do this for you." He whispered.

I moved my head so I could make eye contact with him. "You're the only person I'd imagine getting close to, and I think I like it..." I kissed his thigh and shut my eyes, feeling sleepy.

Rui hummed a sweet tune and I fell into a trance with his endearing voice and soothing movements.

I wish I could say it out loud, but I love you too, Rui. Please don't ever leave me...


The next part is smut so be looking out for it.

I wasn't expecting this to end how it did, but I'm pretty satisfied considering I'm writing that at 6:40 A.M. with no sleep :)

I know I said this before, but I DO plan on updating more, so stay tuned
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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