Movie Night 🌃

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This is a part 2 to the previous chapter, but you don't need to read that one to understand this one.
This will be a fluff chapter + making out, no smut

Tsukasa POV

I had just arrived at home with Rui, and we made plans to watch some horror movies after the corn maze. Rui hurried up the stairs and into our room, leaving me behind. He seems really excited for this.. I bet he's gonna pick the scariest movie he can find on purpose.

I rushed to catch up to him, my short legs did not do me much justice when I was going up the stairs, however. Rui waited for me at the door to our room and gave me a soothing glance along with a quick kiss. We made our way to our shared bed and got cozy very fast. Rui was usually very cold, but on this particular night he seems warmer. Maybe I left the heater on.

We cuddled up with each other as we looked for good movies. After a while of searching, we had a few good picks. This was when Rui had an idea."Oh, actually Nene and I watched a horror film called 'Smile' together in early middle school and from what I remember, it's pretty scary." Rui said. I looked over at him and nodded.

"I haven't seen it yet, but my sister has and she cried after she watched it..." I thought about whether watching this movie would be a good idea or not. Screw it! I can't have my boyfriend think that I'm a loser and can't stand watching a simple horror movie! "Let's watch it!" I gave a determined grin.

Rui looked down at me and gave a quite charming smile. "Dear, I'm surprised you didn't turn down my suggestion then." He mused.

"H-Hey! I don't get that scared easily! Just put the movie on." My face flushed as I buried my head in the crook of Rui's neck.

He put an arm around my waist and looked up the movie on the TV. "Seems that it's available. It'll be fun to see how you react." Rui gave an ominous giggle as I sat up to get ready for it. "Wait, before we start it, I'd like to get some snacks and drinks for us." The taller offered.

"I want to come with you!" I grabbed his hand as he began walking away.

"Fufufu," He chuckled lightly and paused temporarily, "I promise that I'll be right back, okay? I don't want to burden you and have you get up." He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. Oh my god! When he does that...

"When you go, can you get my dark chocolate from the fridge? And also I really am craving some lemonade. Oh! And also some popcorn!!"

"Of course I can! I was planning on it anyways. Love you!" Rui laughed and then headed out of our room. I'm so glad he's going to take a minute. It's really hard to stall and gain time when it's Rui who you're trying to stop. Horror definitely isn't my favorite. I scoured my drawer for my diary and a pencil, (yes, in this fic Tsukasa actually writes and updates his diary because I like the idea) and began writing about my day so far. The past few entries I'd written were all about Rui, and what we'd been doing together. It's hard to admit, but Rui really made my days better, no matter the situation.

"Darling, I'm back!" As my boyfriend walked back into the room, I suddenly noticed the many delicious smells coming from his direction. Rui treaded carefully as to not drop our drinks.

"Oh, let me help you with that- EEK!!" As I stood up, I immediately stumbled down onto the bed again. It turns out that the movie was playing the whole time that Rui was out, but it was muted. A scene had caught me off guard immensely.

"Oh goodness! Tsukasa, are you alright?" Rui worriedly looked down at me as he asked. He set down our food and drinks and leaned over to get closer to me. "Fufu, seems like you got scared before we properly started the movie." He snickered.

"Rui! It's not funny! Imagine being me in this situation." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"You're really cute, Tsukasa." Turning my head towards him, Rui connected our lips and hugged me tightly. This really caught me by surprise, but I promptly melted into his touch and kissed him back. I fell back onto the bed and brought Rui down with me, deepening the kiss. I felt a quick nip on my lip, which signaled that he wanted permission to enter. I pulled away quickly and regained my breath. Rui was heavily panting on top of me, as well.

Right after we broke apart, Rui brought his head lower to the side of my face and kissed my cheek. He then gradually headed for my neck. He started sucking, biting, and licking, which made me let out a few long moans. "Mmh! Rui, can you- ah!" Rui cut me off with a prompt peck on the lips and sat up.

"We probably shouldn't do this now, huh? After all, our friends will be coming over soon." He gave me a sweet wink and handed me my dark chocolate bar. Thanks a lot. Now I had a situation in my pants that I needed to take care of, and we didn't get to finish (or even start, really) that movie.

"Hmph. You're going to pay for this, you know!" I yelled to my boyfriend as he walked out of the room, looking unnecessarily satisfied, considering how he's tricked me twice today! This damned boy! I sighed and bit into my chocolate bar. I'd rather have this right now than a Rui leading me on. As much as I was upset, Rui was right. We planned to have Mizuki and the girls stay over for the night since I didn't really feel like going to their's. It wouldn't be very smart if we decided to do it now, anyways.

I hopped off the bed, deciding to get ready for them to come over. We won't get any alone time, but it'll still be fun to have some friends over!


So, this chapter was shorter than expected, my apologies! It was hard for me to come up with ideas for this fic, so I decided to just continue from the last chapter. I'm 100% sure that the next chapter will be either all fluff , all smut, or a mix of both.
Also, I plan on making a double date fic with either emunene or Mizuena!
Thank you so much for reading

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