Ruikasa Breakup??

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Yayaya here is the long awaited update
Idc what you think I just had the best plate of sushi ever GODDAMN
This episode will be angst and fluff (spoiler, they don't actually break up)
CW: Arguing, swearing

Saki POV

I was sitting downstairs with my girlfriends, because they agreed to come over and just hang out for the night. We were having a really nice time until we were disturbed by a literal glass breaking screech from upstairs.

"FUUUUUCCK!!!!" That yell caught all four of us by surprise.

Shiho was the first to say something, "Was that your brother!? I knew he was loud, but oh my god.. my ears." She looked concerned.

Honami agreed, "Maybe we should go check on him? What might- Ah!" A heavy thump hit the ground from upstairs. It was followed by a few lighter ones. It just so happened that Tsukasa's room was exactly above the living room where we were at.

I made eye contact with Ichika and giggled. "Yeah, I'll go see what's up. You guys can come if you want." I stood up and headed upstairs. Tsukasa is always up to something, but the sound of his voice was a little bit odd this time. Shiho decided to stay back with Honami, so Ichika was the one who chose to come with me.

I knocked on his door. I received no response back from him. Ugh! He's not responding. All of that noise just to ignore me now?

I opened his door forcefully and saw him curled in a ball on the floor, hitting his fist into the ground whilst crying. "Saki... Saki!! My boyfriend hates me!!!" He whined, sitting up, still on the floor though. What does he mean by that?

"What?" I rushed over to him worriedly. "Did something bad happen between the two of you?" Ichika followed close behind and came to sit next to me.


Flashback to two nights prior

Tsukasa POV

I was facing Rui in the wonder stage. We just finished a performance, and Emu and Nene were also there. However, there was a problem. One of Rui's intentions had a malfunction backstage, so we had to scrap it for the show. This happened right when we were going to bring it out on stage, and nobody knew it was broken until then.

Naturally, this had me pissed. "Rui, it was your stupid thing! Why couldn't you just make it right!? You ruined our show and we can't go back to fix it!" I yelled at him. I was so angry that the show didn't turn out as I expected it to, and it was all due to a small error.

"Oh, so you really think it's my fault, now? I'm so sorry that you want all of your cast members to be perfect! You should know that I really tried and it's not like I wanted this to happen, either. I don't understand why this matters so much to you since the show turned out fine in the end."

"Fine!? FINE!? If THAT was an example of what you think fine is, I'm disappointed to call you our director."

"Tsukasa, really, I'd like to see you put in as much time and effort as all of us. Nene is always striving to improve because she really cares, Emu is constantly showing us how much she loves these shows, and is willing to work with anything she's given. Here I am, too, working my ass off all night to get props created for your shows."

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