Backstage Fun

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I unintentionally am writing a lot of smut I just didn't know what else to do ☠️
Ft. Emunene
This episode will be smut and fluff

Tsukasa POV

Being a teenager isn't easy. Being a horny teenager is a lot less easy.

I sat in the dressing room of the Wonder Stage. I had just finished getting into uniform while staring at Rui's body in a trance. The room was full silent besides the rustling of his clothes.

The tall man seductively removed his shirt, revealing his arms, thin frame and sculpted chest. "Tsukasa, would you hand me my outfit?" He turned his head and talked to me, breaking the silence.

"Oh, s-sure! Let me um.. Where?" I stuttered.

Rui pointed to a table behind where I was sat, and I immediately stood up to bring him his attire. When I brought it back to Rui, I stood just in front of him, staring at his chest. "Thank you, and if you want to look at me so bad, don't be ashamed." He giggled.

Bringing his hand up to my face, he tilted my head to look at him. I simply moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "And what if I want to touch you instead?"

"Hmm~ I'd let you." I heard Rui's clothes drop to the ground before he even got the chance to wear them.

Well damn, that was easy. I chuckled to myself and pushed him back onto a couch. I layed him down and brushed my fingers over his nipples. While underneath me, Rui moaned as I kissed his neck and let a free hand roam lower on his body.

"If we're going to do this, then we have to make it quick. Emu and Nene will be finished soon." I whispered to him while removing my pants.

"Well I suppose you're right." He pulled on my shirt collar and brought our faces close, smashing our lips together. I lifted up one of Rui's legs and inserted myself into his warm hole. He gave me access to his mouth and I let my tongue slip inside.

It was a rare occasion for Rui to give himself up like this, and he was barely ever submissive.

I continued thrusting into him at a fast pace, gripping onto his hips tightly with my hands as I did so. We each pulled back for air and the room became quickly filled with lewd noises of us moaning and skin slapping. "Fuck! Tsukasa~ I-If we keep going like this then they'll hear us.. Mm!"

I smiled and held in a small laugh when Rui bit his lip. "You know," I panted while talking, "you're the loud one."

"Damn you.." He scoffed and brought me back in for another kiss. To quicken the time, I began pushing faster and harder. We both started panting and choking on our own breaths, living this moment to the fullest as if there was no tomorrow.

(Yes I got lazy)

After me and Nene finished getting into our outfits, we waited about 4 more minutes and the boys still weren't done.

"Hmm.. Nene, do you think we should go check on them?" I pondered, tilting my head.

"Maybe. I'll go see what they're doing." She replied.

Nene made her way over to the boy's dressing room. Since the rooms had soundproof walls and doors, we wouldn't be able to tell what they were up to. I watched from afar as she knocked on the door.

"You guys have been taking forever. We need to start rehearsal." Nene shouted kind of quietly.

We were greeted with a rush of noise as the door opened slowly. An awkward looking Tsukasa stood at the other side. "Sorry! We'll be out in a few more minutes. Uh, we're taking care of some stuff right now."

Tsukasa appeared disheveled with messy hair, and his normally confident appearance was replaced with a lousy stance. From behind, Rui called at him to go back in. The blond smiled and shut the door again.

"That's really suspicious." Nene shrugged.

"Yeah, I agree! Let's just start without them, Nene! It'll be so much fun to practice all by ourselves~☆" I took the shy girl's hand and dragged her out to the main stage.

"Oh! E-Emu calm down.." She blushed.

Five more minutes later...

"Sorry for the wait, girls! We're ready for rehearsal. Rui came stumbling out with his signature smile on.

Nene smirked and teased them back. "Yeah, okay. You two were totally getting it on back there."

My eyes widened. "Do you really think so!?" I brought my hand up to my mouth, covering it.

Tsukasa was very quick to protest, waving his hands wildly while Rui simply stood and watched the event go down rather amusedly.

"Today is gonna be a long day..." Tsukasa sighed heavily.


Omfg yes I rushed the last half to get this out on time, no I am not going to proofread. I probably won't be writing smut for a while, and I'm thinking up some good angst plots right now!

My new Ruikasa book is still a work in progress, so stay tuned.
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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