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Listening to Zach Choi's asmr while writing
This episode will be angst and fluff

Tsukasa POV:

Rui texted me in a panic, venting to me and describing how horrible he felt. Unfortunately, he had relapsed again and I knew how terrible it was.

He was clean for about two months, and I was very proud of him for going on. After he texted me I knew I had to go see him and prevent him from making any rash decisions or acting on any intrusive thoughts and impulses.

I reached his apartment room and unlocked it with a spare key. Inside it was overall tidy but cluttered in certain areas. Rui sat on a couch in his living room, staring off into space.

"Rui? Are you alright?" I cautiously approached him.

"You're here... I'm glad." He smiled and walked over to me.

"Obviously I'd be here! My number one priority is making sure you're doing at least okay!" I reassured him and hugged him, rubbing his back. "If you need to talk, I'm all ears."

"I-I don't know. I was doing fine until..." He slowly began to choke on his words and let a few tears stream down his cheeks.

"I understand what you're feeling right now. I've been there too. I'll get you a treat after we clean these, alright?" I gently held up his scarred arm and looked at the damage.

This poor boy... it's really bad that he has to go through this. I love him so much and it makes me feel so horrible for him.

I led him to the bathroom and wet a washcloth with low-irritation soap. I sat him down on the edge of the bathtub and got comfortable next to him.

As I carefully rubbed the cloth over his arm, he winced. "Tsukasa- it stings!" The purple-haired boy clenched his teeth as the towel rubbed over his fresh scars.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'll go slower, but you have to do this first." Rui's eyes locked onto the movements of my hand, and I interlocked my fingers with his using the hand I didn't clean with.

After we finished cleaning, I had Rui wash off his arm with cold running water and bandage himself while I went to get some sweet snacks for us to share.

I led him to his room where we snuggled under his blankets and turned on some Netflix. "Thanks, Tsukasa. I'm very grateful to have you here with me."

He rested his head on my shoulder. "I'd do anything for you! Supporting you when your mental health is low is the least I can do."

"No." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears while he was about to fall asleep.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I looked up at the droopy-eyed boy.

"You mean everything to me." He whispered into my ear and seemingly dozed off.

"Rui..." I breathed in heavily and then sighed. "You're such an honest person. If only you could say that to my face." I moved us into a more comfortable position and cuddled up with him.

Maybe I'd have a chance to confess to him if he wasn't always sleepy or in a mood. However, I have to put him first because I don't want to burden him with a sudden relationship.

I kissed him on the cheek and held him close to me.

I felt his arms move around me and I smiled, letting him settle in.

Next day 😘

"Tsukasa! Since you're here would you be okay with staying for a while?" Rui caught me while I was heading to the front door.

I thought he was sleeping.

"Oh, you're awake? I suppose it won't be that much of a deal!"

I shrugged and Rui grabbed me and held me tightly. The touch was sudden, but I didn't mind at all. Every time Rui went in to hug me, I felt safe and warm.

"I love you, Tsukasa. Y'know, we should do something fun like going to a bug museum with rare species!" He seemed stoked.

"I love you more, but no!!! We are NOT doing that any time soon." I crossed my arms.

The taller boy just gave a sinister giggle and continued to gush about every single kind of bug that he knew about.

Oh, I can't stand him! But I think he's cute when he rambles...

For the rest of the day, we stayed inside and mostly discussed our passions and interests. However, I preferred listening to Rui talk to me about anything and everything.


Yeah this is extra short for no reason other than I didn't know what else to add 😜

I think this may actually be one of my shortest ones... anyways I finally got to play little nightmares after rewatching Cory and berleezy play it for years and OMG THE GAME IS SO GOOD
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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