A Perfect Piece

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ART CREDS!!: https://x.com/chuyakara?t=nHj87eOe7er8Vz2Zk4gP2Q&s=09

I wrote this when I thought I wanted to be a photographer, but now I don't ☠️☠️ Just pretend that this is new and good
This episode will be fluff

Third person POV

Finding a muse wasn't a particularly easy job. As someone who was known and loved for his famous photographs, it was rather hard for Tsukasa to have an unsatisfied customer. The one who was unsatisfied would be himself.

As a professional photographer, he knew each and every flaw that his pictures contained, yet people looked at his work and claimed it to be amazing. It frustrated him, as nobody truly knew how much potential he had- or would have if not for those flaws.

Often he'd search far and wide for someone with the same struggles, but nobody ever related. Possibly he was too critical of his work, or maybe he was just so horrible that people believed his pieces to be incredible.

Tsukasa preferred taking pictures of beautiful people under perfect lighting, specifically taking advantage of the golden hour, or stunning lighting in a snowy winter. Nature photos were fine, too, as certain sights were too perfect.

And this led the blond to his favorite brainstorming spot.

Lazily sprawled out on his bed, the photographer sighed and pulled up his phone. As stupid and unprofessional as it seemed, Tsukasa took inspiration from social media posts. Whether it be a single quote, a vacation picture, or something entirely different, inspiration could be found.

Oh... Who is this..? He thought to himself, stumbling upon the most ethereal being he'd ever seen. The photo being taken by another photographer, one of a rather bewitching muse.

Tsukasa sat up, his blond hair falling over his eyes, annoying him as he tried to admire the person. This man would be perfect for me, wouldn't he be..? So impressive. How could someone so natural have such a perfect appearance?

With the light yellow eyes of an angel and silky short hair, Tsukasa was indeed awestruck by the subject. The setting appeared to be possibly underwater, but the way the man's features complimented the deep blue hues struck him.

If I ever can get into contact with him... I'd be honored. Someone so captivating as him would be lovely to have with me. The short boy huffed, feeling puzzled at the fact that he never had someone so perfect to see.

Of course most of the love came from the idea of a perfect photo. Sure, he could hit on the guy and find a partner, but that was at the bottom of his list. The blond just wanted a photo that could shock the world.

Maybe the model could give him just that..?

Tsukasa POV

As a man of high popularity, it was normal for me to be invited to large gatherings. I had a rather large acting career on top of my occupation as a photographer.

As my workload got more tiring, I took a break from all of the jobs that strained my body. Simple thing such as taking pictures has completely enhanced my life to an amazing level.

When I stepped into a large banquet hall, I was impressed by the large amounts of celebrities. Although I'm considered a celebrity, I feel out of place. Many people wore extravagant gowns, thick and colorful suits, accompanied by the fanciest accessories.

Of course I wore a nice suit, but I might as well have been naked compared to the others. I never cared much about my physical appearance.

"Tsukasa, I'm surprised to see you here! I thought you'd given up on your big celebrity persona." A woman famously known for her paintings tapped my shoulder.

"Ena! Long time no see. I received an invitation and just... figured that it wouldn't hurt. Although, being at home sounds much better."

"Haha, you're the same as always. My friends set up a private room in the back, so would you like to join?" She took my hand with a smile.

Without reason to decline, I nodded and walked by her side. The short girl led me through a hallway where many people conversed, giving me the impression that this was a popular gathering.

As we entered the room, I was struck by the pearly white walls, blood red carpet, and impossibly bright chandeliers. There were paintings hung from the walls, making the room more homey.

The lights slightly dimmed as a familiar face hit me. Oh god... what the hell? My heart thudded inside my chest, nearly escaping its bindings. The most unbelievable person sat comfortably, giving me a sweet grin with a drink in hand.

Did I know him? Not personally. Was I gonna get to know him? Absolutely! His appearance was that of a masterpiece, eyes that glistened happily as if they were gold. I was charmed to a whole different level.

His short purple hair was smooth and complemented his mature face, perfectly rounding each edge. When he spoke, I was taken in even more.

"Hi... I've always been a big fan of your work, Tenma. Except, I've never known where to talk to you personally."

The only word that came to mind when he spoke was honey. His tone was sweet and coated my heart in a nice glaze. My heart thumped even more.

"I'm glad that you're fond of my art. I-I... have seen you model before." I walked closer, happy to be taken in by his gaze.

"I'd say I'm more than fond. Truly, every photo you take is impeccable."

"If I may say, you're quite handsome. May I get the consent of you to have a photoshoot?" I sat beside him, looking him in the eye.

Rui suddenly looked saddened, his glossy eyes looking away. "Well... It comes as a disappointment that you only see me for my looks."

"...Of course I acknowledge your beauty, but that doesn't mean that its all I see. The last thing I'd want is for you to feel discomfort in my presence." Moving back slightly, I gave Rui a nod.

The purple man stared at me, in complete awe for a moment. He let out a lovely giggle and put a hand on mine. "It's a refresher to have someone so kind here."

"Really? How could I not show kindness to someone so alluring such as yourself?" I laughed back.

"I truly mean it! I'll let you have a photoshoot with me if you do one thing... I've been in need of good critique for my most recent piece. Would you help me with it?"

In an instant, I felt familiar with Rui. It was completely natural to converse with him- artist to artist. All I wanted was a good subject and someone to know that not all art was perfect. In Rui, I easily found both.

Excitedly, I nodded, leaning just a bit closer to the purple man. "Sure! I've been looking for someone like you for a long time."

With a sweet smile that grasped my heart, Rui responded, "Me as well. I'm looking forward to having someone like you by my side."

As I got more invested in our conversation, I slightly leaned in. It was happiness that I truly experienced for the first time in what felt like a millenia. Truly refreshing after a life of stress.

"Thank you. Let's get to know each other today. I'd really enjoy that!"


Was ranting about this the other day. ARTIST X ARTIST SHIPS JUST AAAHHH

Its even better when it's 2 different artists like a musician x painter for example. Always nice to see pairings like that!
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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