You Did This for Me

802 17 24

Inspired by that one ao3 fic and ddlc (yeah ddlc again)
This episode will be angst

Tsukasa POV

I sat on my bedroom floor, looking up at Rui who willingly tidied up for me. For some reason, he wouldn't ever leave me alone. I told him plenty of times that I was okay, and that I didn't need his help, but he insisted on being with me.

What shocked me the most was that he was doing things that he hated just to keep me happy. At some time, I stopped taking care of myself.

It was hard to keep up, I hadn't showered or brushed my teeth in weeks, my room was disgusting and I found it hard to work up an appetite. Since Saki was in the hospital and my parents were always at work, Rui welcomed himself home.

The tall boy hovered over my bed, perfectly tucking in the sheets and covering it with the blankets.

"Rui... Why are you doing this for me?" My eyes couldn't avert from him for hours. He'd been tidying up my mess since he got here.

"I want you to be comfortable." He said, glancing down at me.

"But, I'm fine. I feel plenty comfortable."

"Just because you're okay with living like this doesn't mean you're comfortable. Tsukasa, come up here with me." He patted the bed, sitting down on the center.

I stared at him intently, confused as to why he suddenly wanted me to be up there. I didn't have anything with me, so I simply got up and headed over to him.

The bed was soft and in the best state it'd been in a while. I couldn't bear to look Rui in the eye, as when I did, guilt overwhelmed me.

I never wanted him to see me like this, because it wasn't his job to worry about me. As if he sensed my sadness, Rui took me in and let me rest my forehead on his shoulder.

"I... feel so bad... You shouldn't feel like you have to help me." I closed my eyes and shivered as Rui's hands wrapped around me, rubbing my back.

The taller boy's hands were firm and held me tightly, keeping me up more than my own muscles did. In his touch, I felt like I could truly let go and stop caring about the things that hurt me.

I felt my closed eyelids flush with wetness when a few tears managed to escape from the bindings of my lashes. The tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, dropping onto his shoulder.

When Rui spoke up, his voice was a sweet hum, comforting me. "We're friends, Tsukasa. A good friend wouldn't let you suffer alone, so please tell me what you've been experiencing."

My lip quivered and I opened my mouth to speak, "I-I... just don't want to do this anymore, Rui. All my life, I've been trying to make everyone happy, but no matter what I do... I'm never good enough!" My voice cracked and ended in a helpless wail.

Rui stayed silent, allowing me to continue while giving me the comfort of his touch.

"For a couple of years now, I've just wanted to disappear! There's nothing here that will make me feel better..!" Shaking, I raised my arms to grip the back of his shirt, wrinkling it. For the moment, I just needed something to hold on to.

"Tsukasa, I know exactly how you feel. It's hard, and everything is a constant stress. Please just know that I'm here for you to lean on. You don't have to do anything alone." Rui pulled me in closer.

At his words, I frowned. Why does he act as if he has to protect me? He has his own life and problems to worry about... I can't be a burden.

I opened my eyes and the tears that collected under my lids pooled out. "You're... the only person like this. Nobody has ever been with me, but you're doing this willingly." My voice sounded like a weak whine since I couldn't find the energy to speak up.

"It's because I love you." He gently pushed me back and brought his hands up to my face. He used his thumbs to wipe away my tears and he moved his face closer to mine.

My eyes were hardly open, but I could see Rui's warm smile. I shut my eyes and let my forehead rest on his. He loves me... That sounds so nice. My breathing was heavy and shaky, but Rui's touch calmed me slowly, but surely.

The idea of having someone that loved me more than I loved myself confused me so much. I never was able to understand why Rui put me over himself, but I always was safe in his touch.

"I love you too."


Back from break! Back from break!

Wanted to make angst since erm I haven't written any actually good angst yet 😭😭

Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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