My Dazzling Star

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HAPPY PART 112! 💞 Ruikasa number

I reread tsukasas dazzling stage event and cried a few times. Now its time to write dantoru!


This episode will be fluff and light angst

Rui (Danchou) POV

As I stepped into my thoroughly kempt bedroom, I looked around a bit. It was late, and I had been more than ready for a good night's rest. However, Torpe was not in sight.

I knew the man adored the stars, so I hoped that he would be out on our balcony. Most of the time, the soft-spoken man would be laying comfortably in bed. No matter where he was, I was excited to greet him.

I removed my hat and placed it on our nightstand, then slowly walked over to the balcony. I slid the curtains and door to the side, and felt a warmth creep up on my heart. There he is. My lovely Torpe.

Torpe, as suspected, was staring up at the glittering stars longingly. His silly little interest in the night sky often made my day. The blond always appeared so peaceful and calmed, it was as if the stars were his friends.

I gently knocked on the wall beside me to alert him. "Torpe. You didn't welcome me today." I spoke, a spark of playfulness arose in my voice.

The shorter man turned to look at me. He seemed to be a bit troubled, yet still gave me a content grin. "Ah, my apologies, Danchou. I've been a bit stuck in my own head for a while."

He got up from his seat on the floor, then stepped forward in my direction. My face turned a light pink as he surprised me with a loving touch on my chest. Torpe had the sweetest smile I'd ever seen, which made me feel sorrow when I thought of the hardships he faced.

"What's the matter, my love? The stars are your friends, but I am your partner."

"I know..." He wrapped his arms around me and pressed himself up against my body. "I've just been a bit tired recently. Sometimes things are too much to handle."

"I understand, dear. Please, don't feel pressured to tell me anything. Just know that I'll always be here for you." I caressed his soft hair as I reassured him.

The man huffed and pulled back, doing so to press a small kiss on my lips. I fondly remember when he was too shy to even hold my hand in front of the orchestra... I giggled and kissed the man back.

Torpe did in fact seem more exhausted than usual, but I hadn't thought much about it. Even now, he has been acting rather drowsy. He always had a quiet and unbothered stance, but then, he was especially silent.

"Torpe, you're cold and sleepy, I can tell. Come inside, and I'll bring you a warm drink." I slowly led the man inside of our home again. I rubbed his arms and walked him over to our bed.

It was rather tidy, which made me happy to see. Torpe deserves nothing but the best right now. He must be so stressed and empty...

My heart ached as I thought about how terrible he must've felt. He had always been the most talented pianist I knew, and I was so proud of his amazing and growing skill. Even still, I knew he got overwhelmed rather quickly.

The man laid silently in our downy bed. He looked comfortable as ever, which made me feel satisfied. Now, I should get him a drink...


"Yes, dearest?"

"Come lay with me. I know you must be tired, too..."

"Hmm? Okay, anything for you, Torpe."


This is like... 1/2 or even 1/4 of the length of most of my oneshots

Its okay though!! This was kinda just a post to get me a little inspired to keep writing for a bit.
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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