Can't Hold Back

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Sorry for not updating. Its nothing new, i just always feel really shitty. I'm trying to get back into writing, but it just feels like a chore now instead of something i WANT to do.

So, I'm just gonna stop ig. Im not going to keep doing something that makes me feel worse. Im still gonna post stuff when i come up with it, but i probably wont take requests, so im sorry to everyone who didnt get their requests written :((

I want to focus more on my books and upcoming books, so my oneshots won't be first priority anymore.

Uhh Mafufu_Asahina

This episode will be smut
Ft. Uh... Make-up sex, public sex 🤤 (again)

Tsukasa POV

"Uh... What is this?" I grumbled, slightly annoyed at my partner. He told me about some brilliant place, so I was eager to see what he had in store.

What I didn't expect was to be taken to a rather bland spot. It was pretty, there was a small river, but it wasn't the romance I was looking for. I stepped forward and brushed my hair back. I had forgotten to slick it back that morning.

Rui smiled and hugged me lovingly. "Sorry to disappoint, my dearest."


I stared up into his mischief-full eyes. He looked rather skeptical, and I wasn't going to fall for his manipulative scheme. It's like he forgot who I am. I've dealt with plenty of emotional training.

The man smirked. "Lower your guard, Tsu. I promise there won't be any spies this time. It's just us."

"I don't want to fight you again. I hurt you last time, all because..."

"Shh. Deep breaths. Why don't you sit down for a moment?"

Rui's silky voice made me feel different than usual. It wasn't awkward, so I just sat down. He sat beside me and held my hand up to his face, then planted a kiss on mine.

"Rui... Your arms are so bad... Is the corruption spreading?"

"That's not quite how it works, my darling. You've got to stop worrying about me. Since we can't have fun anywhere else, I wanted to try it here."

"What? You're going to have sex with me out here!? The knights have an inspection around here!"

I can't believe this man. Is he real..? The odds of someone finding us and getting me in trouble...

"Dear, you took time off for me."

"Without my Lord's permission! If he knows that I'm out here with you, he'll probably hang me!"

"Well, I'm sorry that I wanted to do something with you. If you really hate me so much, why would you ask me to be your partner?!"

"..." I looked up at Rui, who seemed to be majorly upset. His blackened forearms moved as he impatiently tapped his finger on his other arm.

The man held a stubborn frown, one he wore often. I can't just leave him like this. I know he's just trying to do something nice. After giving in, I moved closer and held Rui in my arms.

"Rui, I appreciate this. I truly do. I've been wanting more alone time with you, so... Let's make the most of this."

I could feel the man's muscles loosen as he began to relax. He turned his head slightly to look into my eyes. He seemed to look guilty, so I leaned into him more to reassure him.

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