The Perfect Set-up>Pt. 2

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im gonna pick up from when they reach Rui's place cause ok.
double upload today okay
thanks ruikasalover6969

This episode will be fluff


Nobody was home with us, so we had the freedom of the whole house to ourselves. We grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen and then headed over to my room to hang out.

"Your room is clean! That's a surprise." He joked.

"I'm not always lazy or busy, just most of the time." I shrugged and smiled back.

He hopped straight onto my bed and laid on his back, letting his limbs sprawl out. He's so cute~ I admired the way he was quick to get comfortable.

"I have a few things we can do, but I want to know what you're into."

Tsukasa's gaze moved towards me as he stared in deep thought. "Ugh, don't put it on me!" He frowned. "..Mario Kart."

"Heh, I knew it! Let me get it ready for us." Tsukasa rolled his eyes with a laugh and I went to get my console set up. I handed him a controller, and he scooted closer to where I sat.

Tsukasa had a devious grin on his face. "Get ready to have your ass beat!" He declared.

Oh, so he's getting all brave now. How adorable. "Hehe, I'd like to see you try!" I teasingly nudged him and started the game.

We agreed on best out of five and picked the hardest maps. I chose Waluigi to get me through it, and Tsukasa went for the classic Donkey Kong. I figured that he would choose one of the originals.

By the last match, we were tied at two wins each. After three intense competitive matches, I ended up winning.

"Ugh.. I-I was just going easy on you!" The older boy turned shy and his cheeks were dusted a light pink.

"Hehehe, whatever you say, cutie~" I brought my hand up to his face and stared down at him. I squished his soft cheeks and smiled.

"CUTIE!? Excuse me, but that is NOT the terminology I would use."

I had a sudden and strong urge to kiss the precious being who was sitting just in front of me, but I pushed it back and told myself that it was wrong. Slightly saddened, I removed my hand.

"Actually, let's go out for dinner. I don't have much here, and I'm starting to get hungry."

Tsukasa enjoyed the idea I brought up, and agreed to find to place. Tsukasa was not a picky eater by any means, but I was. So instead of us both thinking together, I let him take the honors of coming up with ideas and I'd decline depending on how I felt.

Near the very end of our discussion, Tsukasa teasingly spoke up. "You're such a picky eater." He stuck his tongue out.

"Hmm, I'm not a "picky eater", I just have standards! ...Well maybe just a little bit, but we've already agreed." We did in fact both settle on a good restaurant.

"I guess you're right! Come on, I'll take us there." The blond jumped out of his seat and headed down.

"Are we not going to get dressed first?"

"Oh.. J-Just wait a second!!"

After getting to the restaurant

We arrived at the place, wearing nice clothes (nothing too fancy) after booking a same-day reservation.

Inside the building, there were many beautiful white and gold chandeliers and bright lights that illuminated our surroundings. The furniture inside all looked and felt new, as if never used before.

Not only were the surroundings great, but the servers were, too. We placed a hold for a spot inside on the second floor, but I was not planning for us to be sitting alone.

The restaurant wad packed, on the first floor there was barely any walking space, but our spot was nice and reserved.

Tsukasa stretched and gave a smile. "You probably accidentally booked this spot, but I think it's very nice." He took in his surroundings while I took in him.

Although neither of us did much with our appearances, Tsukasa still looked stunning. His soft, short hair perfectly rested just above his eyes. His precious face when he gave a heartwarming grin, and how his firey eyes wandered around with awe.

I felt intoxicated by admiring him. It was a sensation that I loved and desperately clung to. Whenever he wasn't around, my mood would be damped because I loved the feeling of being near him.

Before I could finish observing every aspect of him, the waitress came over to see what we wanted. We quickly ordered our foods, but I couldn't stand resisting Tsukasa anymore.

As soon as the waitress left, I moved my seat closer to his so I could hold his hand. He accepted this gesture immediately, so I intertwined our fingers together. "When we get back, we should sleep." I said, noticing a yawn that he let out.

"Yeah, I'm sure the food will be great so we won't have to sleep on an empty stomach tonight!" He enthusiastically added.

"Fufu, you're correct. I'll let you sleep on my bed since it's the only available spot."

"Alright~ any place will do for me." He rested his head on my shoulder and looked up at me again. The sudden closeness did fluster me, but I new I couldn't clam up then.

What have I got myself into...

After eating, back at home

I wasn't freaked out by having my best friend or even crush sleep in my bed, as it became something I did normally with him. We both dressed lightly (though Tsukasa admit to usually sleeping naked), and got comfortable.

I stared at his calm face, paying close attention to his breathing so I could detect when he fell asleep. While he was awake, I simply looked, but after I was sure that he drifted off, I wrapped my arms around him to hug him.

The sleeping boy moved just lightly, but didn't push me away. "I love you, Tsukasa. Good night." I wouldn't have it any other way.

Just me, Tsukasa, and a very comfortable bed to cuddle in.


Sorry for the so many time.skips I just like wanted to not drag parts on for.hella long ☠️

I have 5 more chapters ready uhh 2 fluff 1 angst and 1 a mix of fluff and angst
After those there will be a smut
I'm trying to write more, so maybe longer chaps
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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