Don't Get Too Close~♡

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This is gonna be a yandere AU, I'm gonna be experimenting on different kinds of stories and I got reminded of my yandere sim phase 😭
This episode will be angst and fluff
TW/CW: Blood, death, weapons, obsessiveness, and suggestive themes


I wasn't afraid to admit my feelings towards Tsukasa to anyone, besides him, that is. The more he indulged in me and spent time with me, the more I fantasized and desperately wanted to feel him. I stuffed pictures of him in my drawers, drew him in class, and often zoned out whilst thinking about him.

However, sometimes people would get too close to him, to my Tsukasa. I began noticing Toya's obsessiveness and Emu's touching, but one day, Akito took it way too far.

"Hey! Akito, what's up?" Tsukasa put one hand on his hip, the other up as he waved to the ginger.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd be willing to come with me and Toya to see a movie as my place on Friday. He insisted on you coming, so-"

"Hahaha! As expected, but of course I'll come with you!" Tsukasa grabbed Akito's hand and cupped it.

How dare he..? I grimaced at the scene from behind a wall. I didn't want them knowing that I was there. Akito knows that I wanted to ask out Tsukasa then. If I want to do it, I suppose I'll have to eliminate the competition~

After witnessing that disgusting event, I went straight to planning. This wasn't hard at all. I knew where he lived.

~~ //Gore start//

The time was 3:26 A.M., and I was outside of his window. I stared at his sleeping figure and started to open the window carefully. I wore thick black gloves to prevent any investigators from tracking me through my fingerprints.

Once I crept inside of his bedroom, I pulled out a sharp kitchen knife and a bushy scarf. I sat on his bed and aggressively covered his mouth the scarf. If his family were to hear his screams, then I'd be busted.

The boy seemed to wake almost instantly. His eyes widened and he tried to kick at me with his legs, but I had tied them together. Getting antsy, I raised my knife and plunged it into his chest. Fighting back, Akito wiggled and muffled a few curses. I went in again and again, spraying more sticky blood on his bedsheets, pillow, and a little bit on the floor.

His groans quited down and eventually he stopped moving. I checked his pulse and heartbeat, then pushed down his eyelids.

~~ //Gore end//

I got home in a rush and threw my bloodied clothes into the wash. I changed into some comfortable sweats and a hoodie. After turning the lights on, I received a few grunts from Tsukasa who was staying over for the night. It's a good thing he was asleep. If not, I'd have no excuses to give.

After finishing up, I sighed and got back in bed. I faced the blond and watched his eyes flutter open. "Where did you go..?" He muttered the question and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Nowhere, just downstairs for some water." I lied and patted the boy's head.

"Mm.." His eyes shut once more as he drifted off again. After staring at him, I too, fell asleep.

At school the next day

I stretched and contently smiled. Last night was a success, and that gave me a huge boost of confidence. I walked with my love just next to me.

"And, Rui, can I sleepover again tonight? I'd be glad to on Friday, except I'll be going out with Akito and Toya." He asked, looking as adorable as ever.

"Of course you can! No need to ask~" I hummed and smiled back.

"Great! I'll see you then. We should start heading to class, see you!" He waved and I nodded.

Huh, maybe I need to kill Toya next. After all, he is the one who arranged everything. I was deep in my mind while sitting in class. I planned in my head how to get Toya out of my way as I sketched a chibi drawing of Tsukasa.

I grinned after coming up with a reasonable idea.

Some students next to me looked concerned. "What's that weirdo smiling at?" One of them asked.

"He's probably just fantasizing about getting with one of the popular girls." Hearing this response I sighed.

They'd never understand.. They don't know what it's like to love someone how I do. Also, I'm gay. I rolled my eyes and began distracting myself.

I just can't wait to see him again!

After school, at Rui's house

Tsukasa and I giggled and chatted about our interests and dislikes, and I was glad to know that we had a common issue with the rude kids in our classes.

"Hmm.. oh, I know! Rui, what do you like the most?" Tsukasa excitedly sat up and moved closer to my side.

"You." I said quietly, looking down at him.

"Wha? M-Me!?" He pointed at himself, sharing a shocked look.

"Hehe, I have nothing better to like, don't you think~?" I chuckled and set a hand on his shoulder.

"..Yourself? I mean, who wouldn't like you!?" He moved a hand up to my chest and raised an eyebrow just a little.

He likes me..?

He stared at me with a genuine look, and I couldn't help but blush. He was so close to me, touching me. Tsukasa's hand which was still resting on my chest moved up to the back of my head.

He giggled and pulled my head closer to his. I gladly melted into a kiss, wrapping my other arm around him. Our lips matched with every motion, and I made sure to relish this moment. The kiss deepened and I pushed the blond's body gently down onto my bed.

He tastes so sweet.. better than I'd ever imagined♡ After tonight, I'm sure nobody will even dare to take him from me.


Yes have a back to back upload because of my wack schedule 💕 yall deserve it ong

Since I do a POV swap every other update, I was glad that this aligned since yandere Rui seems to work better in my opinion yk?
I haven't been really feeling the whole smut thing recently, I bet anyone who came here for smut is actually crying rn uhh there won't be a lot of that 😭

Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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