To See Him Again

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WAWAWAWwW part 2 to merui
This episode will be fluff


"You're telling me that he actually brought you back-!?" Emu excitedly swam around me while my other friends sat and listened to my tale. I nodded.

It'd been two days since that man helped me when I was stuck on shore. I was terrified when I saw him, because I had been extremely injured by humans in the past. That one... was so gentle. The way he held me and picked me up was so sweet.

"Yeah. He didn't speak to me, though. I-I was far too scared to say anything to him, too!" The truth was, I doubted that we'd speak the same language, so I just stayed silent. I paused and thought about my parents when I had arrived home that night.

Mother was worried sick. She was so mad that I had let him help me as if she'd ever been with a human before. If it weren't for him, I would've died out there. I sighed and glanced over to my friends who sat up, eagerly waiting to hear more.

Mizuki swam up to me and sat by my side. "Have you seen him at all since?"

I shook my head, saddened at the loss of a potential friend. "No. Each night I go up to the shore to see if I can find him, but he's just gone!"

One thing that I hadn't told anyone was that I had actually seen the man previous to this event. I saw him leaving the sand just a few days before it, but he was surely too far away to notice me. His family were reoccurring visitors of our waters. Sometimes I would poke my head out of the water to admire the humans and their silly ways, and I would see that man and who I assumed were his kin.

It's not like I'd never seen a human so close before. My people and I lived deep in the ocean, far from the commotion of any human life. They scared us more than anything in the water, as we had seen the impressive things they crafted.

Large moving metal boxes would swim over our homes, which we believed to be their work. We had watched fish be taken away in large nets, so we stayed away. Everything about the humans was screaming danger to us. One day, I had gotten caught in one of those nets, and a sharp stake had pierced my side. I bled and accidentally caused ferocious sharks to roam our waters for days. Because of me, our whole commute was paused so we could hide.

I was sure that it was just an unfortunate string of events, but my family hated humans for it. They had endangered me and my people.

That's why, I was so confused. The things that were supposedly so horrible had assisted me when I was so close to death. I suppose I owe that man my life. He saved me out of pure kindness even though he had no clue how dangerous my species could be.

If I can find him, I would want to repay him. I promised to myself.


That day, I was tasked by my mother to go collect shells for the jewelry she wanted to make. As she was getting old in age, it was hard for her to access her needs. She loved weaving clothes and designing necklaces and bracelets for our family.

Since she couldn't gather the necessities, I would offer for her. Maybe I could look for the man again. I swiftly took a pouch from my home in the tall sea grass, then took off to collect the materials. Her favorite kind were the small siltstone rocks, which were closer to the shore than other rocks.

"Rui, don't pressure yourself to get my favorites again. I can't see you hurt again."

I purposely disobeyed her word, simply because of a want I had in mind. As I swam in the dense water, I felt much lighter as I reached the surface. It was sunset, meaning that very few humans would bother to swim here. I dipped my head into the very shallow waters. That way, I could feel around for the siltstone she loved.

As I stayed further away from the main commotion, I peeked out of the water. I was surprised to see the man that had helped me sitting by himself, staring into the water. He was looking just left of my direction, so I called out to gain his attention.

I let out a somewhat loud trill, which made him notice me immediately. Due to my inability to be on the surface, I stayed in the water, blending in until he got up to approach me. His smooth face had an excited smile, making my stomach do backflips.

"Hey... You're the mermaid from that night, aren't you?" He softly asked as he kneeled down in front of me. I understood what he said due to his use in hand motions.

I nodded and raised myself out of the cool waters. I smiled and couldn't help but chirp at his excitement, as excitement of my own was bubbling up. I wonder how humans show affection... Maybe if I try something that we do he'll understand it.

With wary eyes, I moved my head forward and gently butted his chest. The man gasped, which made me think that he didn't like the gesture. Moving my head back, I looked into his eyes again.

They shone with curiosity. He raised a hand and touched my cheek, using his fingers to hold me carefully. Oh, so is this how they do it? I reciprocated the motion by raising my opposite hand to cup his face in the same way he did to me.

As I touched his face, he laughed adorably. The sound was such a sweet sound, as it made me feel relieved.

The sunset kindly shone down, painting the man's beautiful face with it's darkening light. I found his appearance to be stunning despite how different it was from my kind.

The two of us stayed like that for a minute. I was comfortable and loved the touch, but I knew I'd have to leave. Hesitantly, I pulled my hand away from his face. I felt my skin and scales beginning to dry up, which would be incredibly dangerous if I didn't return to the deep water quickly.

I scooted back and nodded my head towards the water, and looked back up at him needily. I wanted him to come with me. Although I knew his kind wouldn't be able to swim efficiently, I thought It'd be worth it to try.

I backed up, then splashed my tail in the water, using my hands to hold his and pull him in. "H-Hey, I can't go in there!" He shook his head and pulled his hands out of mine.

The raise in tone and the frantic moves made me think that I scared him. He can't come... What was I thinking? I could've hurt him.

I looked at him with guilty eyes, and backed up into the water again. The chances of me seeing him again were low. We were two different species, and we wouldn't ever be together.

That just wasn't possible...

Or so I thought.


Cliffhanger but there's not gonna be another part so pretend they I dunno became besties or lovers idfk

Also sorry this part and the last part have been shorter than usual forgive me

I'm pretty much on a roll rn I'm writing Hella and I feel good 🔥🔥
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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