It's a Double Date!

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I said like 4 chapters ago that I wanted to do a Mizuena x Ruikasa crossover chapter so here we are.
I might also do one with emunene, but I felt like nobody crossovers these 2 ships enough and they're my top 2!
Also, I just felt like I should add this, these two are dating in this episode, but I wanted them to be not super touchy and clingy, which will explain certain things later on. Enough rambling now!!
This chapter will be fluff


Mizuki had offered to take me and Tsukasa out along with their girlfriend, Ena. Of course we agreed, because we figured that it would be fun. We made plans the day before to go to a café or drink place, go shopping (for clothes, obviously), and we'd continue from there. Tsukasa had never been the type to be into fashion, and honestly neither was I, but we thought that a change in our schedules would be nice.

So, this leads us to when we were in Ena's car, driving to a nearby boba shop. It was one of the best in the area, and none of us had any objections. "We've arrived at our destination!" Mizuki announced as Ena pulled into the parking lot. I noticed that Tsukasa seemed to perk up when we got here. Maybe he's actually looking forward to this. I'm glad.

"Yeah! I hope you all have in mind what you're going to order." Ena said, getting out of the car. The three of us also got out, and I stretched from feeling compacted in the car for a long time.

"I have in mind what I want, but they might've added some drinks to the menu." Tsukasa casually walked up to the door, but I stopped for a moment to take in my surroundings.

It was a nice, small center with a few stores. It seemed like there were were a couple cafés, a flower shop, and a park nearby. I'll definitely come and stop here again in the future. It's such a nice place. Not only that, but the mall is close. It'll be nice to take Tsukasa and some friends to this area often.

I hurried up to Mizuki, who was waiting for me outside of the shop. "You sure are taking your sweet time." They teased.

"Fufu, my bad. Just taking a look around. I've never really came down here before, you know?" I stepped inside and let them lead me to our table.

"Yeah, I get it. We can visit some of the shops in this corner after we get and pay for our drinks." They responded.

"Hey Rui, I'll order for you. I'll also pay for all of us." Tsukasa offered.

Ena looked up, "Are you sure you want to pay for us? You really don't have to."

"Sure! I really don't mind since I brought my..." Tsukasa dug into his pockets for a moment. "I-I left my wallet.." He seemed really upset by the fact that he left his wallet. Mizuki and I laughed a little bit, and Ena smiled.

"Don't worry, dear. I'll pay for us instead." I patted his head and earned an annoyed huff in return.

"Fine, but remind me to give you the money back. I don't want you to have to pay it all."

Mizuki stood up, Ena getting up not short after. "We're gonna go order, so you can come when you're ready." The two began making their ways to the ordering counter, which left me and Tsukasa by ourselves.

"Rui, do you know what you want? I'm going to get a fruit tea mango flavor."

"Seems like that's your go-to. I was just going to order a black milk tea with tapioca boba." Just thinking about it made me excited. It had been a while since I last had bubble tea, and even longer since I last enjoyed it with friends.

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