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I proofread this maybe a couple weeks ago so forgive me if this isn't really good )))
Saw awawaawa RUIKAASSAAA
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

After nearly living my whole life by the shore, I thought that the ocean couldn't get weirder. My family was obsessed with the bright blue waters and would be so excited to see them when I was a kid. After a while, my parents finally could afford a huge seaside home.

Personally, I didn't care for the ocean. Sure, it looked cool, but it could get boring after long. Not to mention the risks. Why would I want to go swimming in the ocean and risk a shark attack, or being swept away when I can just swim in a regular pool?

"Tsukasa!! We're going down again! Could you help us carry our stuff down to the sand?"

Of course they need my help again. They already have six hands! "Sure thing! I'll be down there in just a minute!"

After preparing myself for the stuff I'd have to carry, I persevered and ran into my sister's room. Since she usually packed the most, my parents said that I'd be a "good brother" for helping her.

The moment I stepped inside, my heart sank. It was more than a mess. At least three bright teal and pink colored bags were scattered across the room, each one barely staying together. A few beach towels all piled up, as well as a whole separate bag for toys.

"Hi! I'm glad that you're here to help me carry this stuff down."

"S-Saki-!!?? What do you even need all of this for???" I stared at her in shock.

"Well, my friends are gonna be joining us today! I promise that I'll carry at least half, though! It wouldn't be fair to have you do it all."

"That's hardly what I'm worried about! I-I didn't even know that we had this much stuff in our house..! Anyways... I'll help you."

Just because I didn't feel like assisting my family didn't mean that I wasn't going to. Reluctantly, I picked up a couple of bags and threw the towels over my shoulder. When we reached the water, it looked as average as ever.

Maybe I should've wore something lighter. Just walking down here makes me feel like I'll die. Oh, sunscreen! I dropped the bags and quickly turned my attention to my sister and her friends.

"Girls!! You all have sunscreen, right-!? It's very important, especially for this kind of temperature!" I called to the four.

Saki nodded at me while the other three waved at me. "Yeah! Don't worry about us, I promise that we're completely set!"

What a relief... I can't help but think back to the time when Mom and Dad got really bad burns. I'm sure Saki will remind them to cover up this time. Since my parents were already far out, I decided not to nag them about it.

When I turned around and began climbing my way up the sand to get to my house, I saw something. Something in the water that grabbed my attention. Although I was far away, that thin and scaley tail couldn't be mistaken for an average creature.

I squinted to see it better. What is that..? Ugh, I must be going crazy. It's the ocean, so it's probably just a dolphin, or something. The tail had disappeared from my sight, so I didn't push it.

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