That One Dare Pt. 2

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I lied oopsies
Seriously, I think I'm gonna keep the update schedule to every other day because goddamn this is so much to do on the daily 😭 Sorry friends
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

Here I was, sitting on Rui's couch, drinking tea, all while he was sleeping with his head on mine. I seriously never thought that he'd actually want to date me. I mean, I never wanted to until I just started thinking about it now.

I guess being in a relationship with Rui wouldn't be too bad, but then again I still have hard feelings against him for some of those stunts he pulled. And all of this started from a stupid dare.

Flashback (I love these)

"Alright, Tsukasa! Truth or dare?" Mizuki asked. I was playing truth or dare with a bunch of friends, Ena, Toya, Akito, and my little sister, Saki.

"Dare, obviously!" I proudly answered.

"Hehe.. I dare you start dating Rui for at least a week!" They giggled mischievously.

"WHAAT!? Are you kidding!? I'd never do that, why him of all people?" I protested.

I heard my sister laugh, like she knew this would happen. "A dare is a dare!"

Flashback end

This wasn't supposed to happen so well, if only he had said no. However, as much as I wanted to be angry at Rui, I was only happy. I suspected that maybe being in a relationship with Rui wouldn't be all that bad, and that we could get closer together.

A week later

I sat up and stretched out my limbs after waking up at home. It had been officially a week since I began my relationship with Rui, and it was surprisingly going well. We both agreed to restart, and we learned a lot about each other.

Just a month ago, I would've refused to even hug Rui. But here I was, leaning down to kiss Rui on the cheek. He was asleep beside me with his hands wrapped around my waist.

Even though it's been a week, I think I'm starting to really enjoy this. So, I beat the dare.

I pulled his arms away so I could get up and get ready for school. Just to save myself time, I decided to let the alarm wake him up, except I'd learned that Rui is a really heavy sleeper and barely wakes up (if he even sleeps).

As I reached my closet, I looked through it to find my school uniform. I ended up finding Rui's first, so I just grabbed it as well and got it set down on my desk.

After I found mine, I brought it with me into the bathroom. First thing on my schedule was to pull out my speakers and start blasting my morning playlist. It's the optimal way to get ready in the morning. I would always shower initially, get dressed, then brush my teeth, then brush my hair.

However, with Rui around, things have slightly changed. Sometimes he'd join me, and others he'd just suspiciously appear in the room to do whatever he needed to do at the time.

As I started brushing my teeth, I felt him hug me from behind. I continued minding my business and let him do what he was going to do, which led him to playing with my hair. Whenever it's wet, he always feels the need to touch it.

"Are you almost done, Tsukasa?" He was already finished getting ready, but still sounded tired. It was something that I adored. I nodded, but it was the same time that I got a call from Mizuki.

"Hm..?" I stopped brushing and pulled out my phone from my pocket. Since it's Mizuki, it'll be best if I keep it off speaker. "Let me take this real quick, okay? I'll be right back." As I walked back into my bedroom and sat down. "Mizuki, I guess you're calling me because of the dare?"

"Yup! You know that you guys can stop dating now... or did you not tell him?"

"What? Of course I didn't! Otherwise, he never would've," I lowered my voice to a whisper, "he wouldn't have dated me."

"Heh, so that means that you want to stay in a relationship with him I bet!"

"Ugh, you!! Whatever, let us finish getting ready at least."

"Ooh, US!? Are you already sleeping with Rui? I'll leave you two alone, have a good time together~" I could hear them smirking through the phone.

"No, quit it! We aren't doing anything weird like that, we're just getting ready for school right now." I responded, slightly irritated.

But as I said that, Rui sat down next to me. "Sorry, I was getting really bored in there by myself."

"No, it's okay! They was just hanging up, anyway." I turned off my phone so I could just focus on Rui.

He smiled back and hugged me again. "You give good hugs, Tsukasa. Honestly, me from a couple weeks ago never would've expected this to happen."

"Huh, I was actually thinking the same thing earlier."

"Great minds think alike! Anyways, we need to get to school."

After school
I'm not trying to write a whole school day

As I waited outside of the school building for Rui, I saw him walking towards me. He looked upset, so of course I got up to see what was wrong.

"Rui! You look upset! What happened?" I asked, running up to him.

He shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know, you tell me. Mizuki told me about the dare. So, are we actually dating or were you planning to break up with me later today?"

What? Why would they tell him!?

"Uh, Rui, let me explain, first of all! I will admit that this whole thing started because of a dare they gave me. But that's not all I have to say!! Throughout the time we've been together, I've gotten to know you better and I like the idea of us being together. I don't want it to just be a dare anymore. I wasn't planning on breaking up with you today, I swear."

"Truth?" He stared at me with saddened eyes.


"Fine, promise it. If I hear from someone about this again, then I won't be so easily forgiving." He held out a pinky. I brought mine to his, not breaking eye contact as we locked our fingers together.

"Thank you for believing me. Anyways, I was planning a date for us tonight, is that something you'd be interested in?" I offered the idea.

"Oh? That sounds nice. I think that we should do that, then."


Yeah I'm probably not making a part 3 but I could if I run out of ideas. I probably will be keeping these updates to every other day instead of daily unless I feel like switching it up again. No matter what, they'll stay weekly.

Tysm for reading 💖

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