The Greatest Show! (For You~)

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Silly Rui is an idiot!! Also, the art isn't ruikasa because I couldn't find Rui day art with just the two of them 💔💔
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

"Okay, okay!! I'm calling him right now, just shh!" I sat on the Wonder Stage along with my friends Emu and Nene. For Rui's birthday, we were going to do something special, something amazing!

The sun was setting and the sky was a dark pinkish purple and was darkening quickly. We set up lights on the stage for special effects and planned to set off bright yellow firecrackers, hoping that they'd illuminate the surroundings.

The three of us planned on calling Rui over, having Emu go distract him in front of the stage, then we'd get ready while Rui sat on the benches, waiting for Emu to come back.

It was foolproof! It would be incredible and we'd put up a mesmerizing show to keep Rui on the edge of his seat, staring in awe at our pure skill! As the phone rang, a melodic voice spoke from the other end.

"Kasa? You hardly ever call me this late. Is something the matter?" He asked.

"Ah, yes! We- um... I need your assistance at the Wonder Stage immediately!!" I strictly explained.

After a small shuffle was heard from him, I expectantly glared at my phone. "I see... I'll be there soon, maybe 10 minutes. Will you be okay for that long?"

"Yes, that's perfect! Thank you very much, Rui." I smiled.

"Of course, dear. Your knight in shining armor will be there soon~" He cooed and hung up, a beep sounding as the connection cut.

I blushed and looked to the side, leaving Emu and Nene to awkwardly glance at me. "Hmm? Deer!? Is that your secret name or something?" Emu leaned over to me, brushing up against my shoulder.

"Eh!? Is that the best you could come up with?? Uh, no! Now let's hurry and get ready..." I shook my head and got up, feeling Nene's gaze on me as I turned to do something else.

She stayed quiet for the time being, not mentioning what she heard from the purple boy. Ugh, I even took out the heart in his name so they wouldn't find out... We should've had someone else do it.

I got over it fairly quickly, as the show couldn't be soured by my bad mood. 10 minutes was the perfect amount of time for me to do what I needed to do, and I was confident in my script memorizing.

We had this date planned and were practicing for about a month. With help from Mizuki, costume designs weren't an issue, but props, however... not so much. We decided on reusing some old props that we ended up keeping, and there were also some in the SEKAI that we borrowed.

The script called for a king, a witch, an artist, townsfolk, a little girl, and a poet. We had no problem sorting out the roles evenly, and playing as more than one character wasn't hard at all.

With the stunning set-up and passionate cast, we were sure to blow his mind with an early birthday gift.

"Ahem, I see the three of you are a bit busy, hm?" The familiar smooth voice took my attention, and I turned around. Fortunately, I was greeted by the birthday boy himself!

"Hahaha! You have such perfect timing!" I grinned and turned my head toward Emu, giving her a nod.

She smiled at me and then ran forward, grabbing Rui's hand. The curtains were closed, so with Rui's vision obscured and a distraction, Nene and I got to work. As we were getting into position, she turned to me.

"So, you two are dating, right?"

"Huh, m-me and Emu? Hah, no way! I like guys." I frantically denied her.

"Yeah, guys like Rui." She smirked and rolled her eyes.

"No, I don't like-" I lowered my tone, "guys like him..!"

"That's why he called you dear, right? You're lying!" She laughed to herself.

Ugh, Rui! I'm going to kill you as soon as this show is over! I promised, frowning. I peeked through the curtains, seeing Emu peering over at us every once in a while, waiting for the signal.

I stuck my hand through the side when Rui wasn't looking, holding up two fingers. When the pink girl saw, she smiled and pranced away from Rui. From the distance, I hardly was able to make out that she told him to, "stay right here".

She hopped up the stairs and stood, excitedly quivering like a dog when their owner comes back home.

"Are we ready?" I glanced at the girls, waiting for assurance.

"Yup!!" Emu cheerfully yelled, and Nene responded with a nod.

"Okay, then the curtains shall rise!"

And rise they did. As the dim stage lit up, shining colorful lights down on him, Rui looked up at the stage and grinned.

Taking a seat on the benches, he looked attentively at us. I blushed but had to shake off the pleasant, fuzzy feeling, not wanting to ruin the moment. I bowed, standing front and center while Emu and Nene stood at the sides of me.

"Ahem! To our dearest director, our friend, and..." I raised my head to look at him, and he simply nodded.

Should I say it? No. "O-Our troupe mate," I took a couple of deep breaths and steadied my posture, "I personally, and our friends, wish you the greatest birthday!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! And for this special occasion, we wanted to perform for you!" Emu spoke.

"Um... We appreciate you and all that you do for us, so sit and enjoy." Nene followed.

Great! I felt a boost of energy and confidence as the lights dimmed and we moved back, ready for the show to begin.

"In a land of goodness and greatness, there once lived a king who ruled over the lands! Everything was perfect until a problem arose..."




Slightly sweaty from all of the work, I looked down at Rui once more, who was clapping contently with a kind smile. "Bravo, bravo~ The performance was marvelous!" His eyes brimmed with gratitude, and I felt my heart flutter again.

Knowing that I was able to make someone I loved so happy made me feel just as good, and I excitedly anticipated hearing more of what he'd have to say. "I appreciate you three doing this for me, I really do. Thank you so much!"

The boy's eyes were glistening with the shine of tears, and his lips were turned up just a bit. The clapping came to an end, but he kept watching.

"Rui..." I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure of what to say. "This... This is the least we could've done! And don't fret, we'll make tomorrow even better!" I promised.

I took off down the stage and ran over to him, taking a seat and getting comfortable on his lap. "Ah, fufu~ And I must admit, your speech was spectacular!" He giggled and held onto me.

I moved back and made eye contact. "Rui, you might just be the best thing that's ever happened to me."


I know this isn't really ruikasa (oops sorry), its more just supposed to be an extra for his birthday! If I'm still doing this next year, I've got ideas for some birthday stuff

I've got a few parts in the making, so I might double post or just work on them
Other than that, I don't have much to update you on 😭😭
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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