Villainous Love

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I like AUs, villain AU (both of them are)
This episode will be fluff and smut

Tsukasa POV

There are plenty stereotypes of villains, such as they work with no reason, they just want to see people suffer, or they had a terrible background and can never live normal again. For some, it's a different situation. Something much more casual rather than a full on job.

I, Tsukasa Tenma, am what many people would consider a villain, but that's just my work behind the scenes. In reality, I'm just a normal guy, someone who keeps secrets from people around me.

Of course during the job you meet people, it's sort of like a work office where everyone follows orders under one person. I'd become fond of one of my 'co-workers', Kamishiro Rui. We made our relationship platonic and found it appropriate to hang out without having to only see each other on the job.

I started to fall in love with him.

Seeing him and even working with made me happy. Every once in a while, I'd slack off just to finish a conversation with him.

It became an obsession.

I couldn't stop thinking and talking about him, my family started getting worried.

As much as I adored him and wanted to pursue a serious relationship with him, I couldn't due to the rules of our boss, and I wouldn't do anything that he didn't want to do either.

In the 'office building', I followed Rui to the first floor. We had planned this the day before, we were gonna sneak upstairs (whist looking professional) and finally get some time to ourselves.

I sighed as we walked down a hallway. "I really hate boss's rules.. some of them are really dumb and strict!" I clenched my fists.

"I'd have to agree, but we have to follow them. You know, he mentioned something along the lines of not perusing a romantic relationship with people in the workplace."

"Hm? Yeah, he did. What's got you so interested in that, though?"

"He never said anything about sexual relationships." Rui blatantly added, opening a door very nonchalantly.

"Huh, and why is that something you've been thinking of? Listen, I'm sure that's also against the rules." A pinch of jealousy seared through my veins. Who would he even want to have sex with? I mean, I'm not envious or anything..

"Fufu~ so defensive! And why might that be, hmm?" He pulled me into the room and shut the door.

"I am not defensive! I have no reason to go against master's rules, that's all."

With a few swift moves, Rui turned off the light, leaving to room dark, and pulled me onto a loveseat. I was sitting on his lap.

He held me close to him, and I clung onto him. Not being able to see hindered my confidence, so I relied on the taller man to keep myself up. My fingers dug into the fabric on his shoulders while he pulled me closer casually.

"Is.. this what you meant?" My face heated up and he giggled in response.

"Perhaps that may be so~ Come on, don't be so shy, I know you've been fantasizing about us recently."

"Huh!? Excuse me, you're completely false."

"I know when you lie." It was a challenge for me to continue pretending that I didn't want to make a move on him with a bulging hard-on.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I watched him pull off his gloves and toss them to the side. He then unbuttoned my pants and stroked my now fully erect length.

"Mm.. W-What if someone walks in and sees us?" I whispered into Rui's ear.

"You seem like the type who'd enjoy that!" He chuckled then continued, "But I suppose we'd deal with the consequences head on, no?" With nothing more to say, I let my head fall onto his shoulder with no hesitation.

I was awkwardly hunched on his lap, but comfortableness was the last thing I was worried about. The sensations of having him touch me was incredibly stimulating.

"Hmm~ You're such a good boy." He caressed my back with his free hand and praised me.

"I..-I know that!" I tried to keep myself together as he began stroking me faster, and circling his thumb over my tip.

"Maybe later I'll have to give you a full lesson. But for now, it seems that you've had nearly enough."

"Ah- What do you mean..?" I managed to get out in between heavy breaths.

"Well, you're already close to finishing~ I'll gladly have more fun with you tomorrow, though.. Fufu."

A heavier blush was brought to my face as he pulled me into a kiss. I scoffed at him, rolling my eyes. He didn't seem to take it.

As he touched me, I felt my climax coming. "Um.. Rui, I'm close-" Chosing not to let me finish my sentence, Rui instead kissed me once more. I just assumed that he was listening.

He's so.. I started thinking to myself as he gently moved his hands around my body, what's the word? Charming? Yeah.. that's it.

I forgot all about our bosses dumb rules, and just wanted to be with Rui. I'd give anything to be with him.


Anticlimactic because I didnt feel like writing smut about halfway through but decided to put up with it anyways!! Uh next smut will be either top Tsukasa or power bottom tsukasa

Im going back to school tomorrow so yayy I want to die 💕 it's gonna fuck up my nonexistent schedule so be prepared for less, and worse quality posts.
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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